
I got a really bad sunburn!?

by  |  earlier

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i got a REALLY bad sunburn.

i was at the beach for 6 hours and only put sunscreen on once.

now i have to hide it from my dad or else he'll get pissed.

please help me what can i use to make it cool off and go away faster?

=[ im not happy




  1. mmhmm welcome 2 the club.

  2. aloe vera gel :)

  3. Use a cold washcloth to take the heat out (you'll have to keep running cold water over the cloth) or stand in a cold shower for a while.  Aloe vera and moisturiser every half-hour or so will also help.

  4. o nooo! that is soooo painful...i have been there. This is a home remedy that my dad always used to make us do...and it actually works! fill your bathtub up with HOT HOT hot as you can stand...which wont be very hot because of your sun a few cap fulls of white vinager in the water and soak in it until the water is cold....this will take about thirty minutes....the  vinegar will help nutralize the burn and the hot water will get the heat out....then when you get out(you wont smell like vineager lol) put on a good moisturizer or cream like Eucerin to prevent peeling...if it still hurts alot i recommend using an aloe very or after sun gel with lidocaine in it...this will stop the pain...if its still unbearable, take a few asprin and wait it out...hope this helps!

  5. omg i got one a couple days ago from the beach too!!!! it was horrible, bright red, soar and peeling. but i put aloe vera on it and now its ok! good luck

  6. put some aloe vera on your sunburn.

  7. Aloe Vera. lots of it. If you have a plant, that works much better than the gel, but both work great. just slather it on every couple hours for a few days.

    Also, lavender oil works very well too. and it keeps the skin more hydrated that aloe, so it's helps a lot with not peeling.

  8. Aloe Vera Gel! Last night I had a pretty bad sunburn. I layered some of it one and the next day my sunburn was gone, but today I got another sunburn so I'm gonna need to apply more. You can buy it from any drug store or grocery store. When you get it, keep it in the fridge so it stays cold, feels much more refreshing when you put it on. Good luck!  

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