
I got a score of 2030 on the oficial sat practice test on collegeboard.?

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This is the very first time i took the sat test. Is the real test the same?

the detils are-

Critical Reading 600

Writing 640

Math 790

is it a good enough score.

how can i perform on the real test?




  1. The differences between the real test and the practice tests usually depend on several factors.

    1) Where you took your practice test: If you took the practice test from an official college board test, then the questions will likely be very similar. However, the Barron's or Princeton review books tend to make the questions slightly more difficult. If you took an official test, expect a score of plus or minus 50 from what you got on each subject in the practice test. If you took a prep book's test, expect a higher score/

    2) Your scores relative value: Your score reflects how you did compared to other students. You can do very well on an easy test but get an equal core on a harder test.

    3) How many practice tests you've taken: It stands to reason that you will be more prepared the more tests you take, but it will also allow you to get a better picture of where you stand.

    Overall, judging from your performance, I doubt your math score will change very much, it will probably remain in the 750-800 range. Your Critical Reading score might be anywhere from 550-650 depending on the tests difficulty. Your Writing score will probably be between 600-700. With your math skills you can guess what you'll get in total.

  2. congrats you'll do well

  3. Practice test is easy, hopefully you'll fail the real one

  4. the practice tests are pretty similar, thats d**n good man especially the math and the math on the sat was hard as h**l to me i got a 500 something pretty d**n good

  5. The practice test is easy; the real test is hard.

    You'll score less than a 2030. Don't take it too hard. Just rule out Ivy Leagues and flip burgers for a while.

    Oh yeah, you mispelled "official" and you failed to observe capitalization and punctuation rules. You tool.

  6. I would assume that because it is collegeboard offering the practice test, the test and the test questions are very similar to those of the real SAT.  The only thing it can't  simulate is the potential stress of a real testing session.

    For the basics, the real test has 10 sections including the essay as a section.  All sections are timed.  Most take 25 minutes, I think, with a few that are shorter.  Also, you should know that scores tend to change in between testings.  You can use your scores from the practice test to estimate your approximate SAT scores, but some sections may go up or down.

    Your score is definitely good and the math section is extremely strong, but much of what is considered "good" depends upon the types of schools to which you plan to apply.  If you're going for very competitive schools (Harvard, Duke, UNC, etc.), your reading and writing scores could serve to be raised.  If you have any idea yet of where you want to go to college, I would suggest looking at collegeboard or the college's website to compare your score with those of the average person accepted.  Most schools have that information displayed somewhere, and you can use it to figure out where your possible strengths and weaknesses are.  (Or, if you're above the average, you can just be happy in knowing that you don't have as much to worry about.)

    All in all, good luck!  Your scores are good, and I'm sure you'll do fine.

  7. Maths is great.But,work on the crit read and writing.

  8. That test is a good indicator of how you will do on the real test. But sometimes the curves of more harsh than that one--so don't be surprised if you felt the test was easy but your scores are lower than these ones. The curve can also be just as nice. But all in all, I think on the real test you'll get between a 1900 and a 2100 depending on the curve/test date.

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