
I got a second gerbil and tried to introduce them on my bed but they fought is there still a chance with the

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split cage method or is there relation doomed(there both male) please help




  1. Well, part of getting ready to introduce any animal is recognizing the worst case scenario. In the worst case, the gerbils will fight and they will never be able to live together. You need to have a second cage handy (or the money to get a second cage if you're only buying a small, temporary cage) if they do fight. You'll have to divide your attention with the two of them and take good care of them.

    >>>Try letting them see each other without being able to touch each other. This includes a wire cage within one that separates the two.

    >>>Try letting them play around in NEUTRAL grounds before in each other's cage. This means perhaps in a gerbil-proof bathroom or on a card table. Make sure there are plenty of distractions!! If they get bored, they might fight with each other, but if they're having fun, they'll get used to be around each other.

    >>>Try only letting them in each other's cage for an hour a day after things seem to be going smoothly. Not too much time, and during the middle of the day. They will both be tired and not feel up to much. This gets them used to being around each other.

    Once they can do that, try all day in the same cage, but not at night. They are nocturnal, so most fighting would break out at night.

    Try over night. But be prepared to wake up at any moment should you hear any bad noises.

    Remember that some fighting is necessary for all introductions. They should wrestle and maybe nip at each other, but there should be no serious bleeding. Fighting is normal, so you don't have to freak out and separate them as long as they're not killing each other.

    or get another cage

  2. Gerbils are not social animals, they prefer to be alone. Putting two together might result in severe injury or death.

    Split cages do not protect either gerbil from aggression.

    Best to keep them apart.

  3. well if their both male, its probably not going to happen, but dont give up. introduce them in a bath tub and be very positive about everything and if they start to groom eachother see how they do in the same cage.

  4.   is there anyone knowledgable  at pet store you could talk w? there are books but 2 males,forget it what would happen if you exchanged for a female?

    I had a female and she lived long beyond normal life-span because I took good care of her and one trick was she ate 1 donut paper box a day and would chew it up completely then assemble then reassemble plus I bought her from a very good small private owned pet store try to find one of those                                                        

  5. i had two male gerbils and they fought constantly! after a week of trying to get them to like each other i finally bought seperate cages.

    it's best to seperate them now [before one gets seriously injured]

    they were more likely to get along if they came from the same litter, but thats very unlikely.

  6. yeah... get another cage for the other one.

  7. well they are probably scared and wanted to take it out on each other. bu if they continue to fight then i think you should get another cage and splite them up. some could get relly hurt.

  8. When introducing gerbils, you should always start with the split cage method. Introducing them in neutral grounds (ex. your bed) isn't always going to work, and it is risky. I do recommend you get a split up now. Here's a good site for the split cage method:

    Gerbils ARE social and should be kept in same s*x pairs. Males tend to be more laid back, so it's, generally, easier to introduce them.

    I would recommend you put a split up and see how it goes. If they really don't like each other after I'd say a month of the split cage, it's probably a better idea to get them their own cage/tank.

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