
I got a secret admire letter!?

by  |  earlier

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I just go a Secret Admire letter. It's printed, so I can't tell the handwriting. What should I do?

And, worst of all, 3 boys are staring at me all the time! Do you think it's one of them?




  1. Maybe or it could be someone playing a joke on you.

  2. Yes I think it is one of them, did you get it in the mail? At school? Well just keep an eye out...

  3. how old are you?  It could be a joke always consider that.

  4. probably all they know who it is for real

  5. That is nice. I would ask one of the boys that are staring at you. I am sure at least one of them knows who wrote the letter.

  6. it could be  

  7. aw thats soo cool. i wish that happened to me. well if they r always staring at u ask them if hey no anything about it

  8. It' sprobably one of your friends playing a trick on you.  Do boys really write Secret Admirer Letters?

  9. Possibly, you should also look into how they're send it to you, try to work out who is most likely.

    Also don't completely rule out it being a joke, by a friend or something?

  10. let it go on for a little longer to see if u can get any hints. but be careful because sometimes it can be a joke. so watch ur back. it could be one of them but im gonna guess is someone that u dont notice but notices u!!

  11. It's probably the school janitor. You need a restraining order!

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