
I got a speeding ticket and I will fight it at court. Better to plead guilty or not guilty?

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Hey all,

I got a speeding ticket and I have decided to go to court. I know that if the officer doesn't show up - the ticket is dismissed. If the officer shows up - chances are I am getting the ticket.

The question is... Should I plead not guilty and try to make a case out of technicalities or should I plead guilty and try to explain that I only speeded up in order to avoid another car that was changing lanes? By pleading guilty I could apologize, say that this is my first ticket ever and that since I am a student I can't afford to pay for it.

What do you think?

Thanks so much once again everyone.




  1. MY son had the same problem and felt that he needed  the courts advice. The police officer didn,t want a reason he just wanted him to take the ticket. My son went to court and explained what happen and the officer than told his side thank god the judge was listening to all the facts and ruled in my sons favor. So if you are not sure take it to court you can only win or lose.

  2. Go to court and plead innocent. Traffic court is no big deal, its just another way for your local gov't to squeeze some more money out of you. So, walk in the and plead innocent. They'll definately reduce the charge and fine because it cost more for them to take you to trial than it does to work out a deal with you.

  3. Answer is simple, take traffic school on-line and dismiss the ticket.  You will waste more time and money fight it than what it is worth.  The big concern here is your Insurance rate.   The only way it will not go up ($30-300 per year) is if you complete traffic school.  

    I would recommend doing traffic school ON-LINE with . They were quick, easy, and affordable.  

  4. i kinda was in this situation before.  i recieved a ticket for no proof of valid registration and insurance and u-turn.  the bail was like $1058.  i went to court and plead guilty.  i was guilty.  he waived the u turn and was going to have me pay 2-300ish.  i came back into the court to ask for traffic school since i had forgotten and the u-turn infraction was put back on and the total came out to $387 no including traffic.  so if u feel you have good evidence then fight it.  just think the judges tend to accept the police officers stories more than civilians.  if u only have your story and no witness, no evidence...i think its going to be an uphill battle

  5. You don't really have anything to lose by pleading Not Guilty other than time and possibly money.  There are some courts that require you to post your bail just to get a trial date.  (You'll get this back if you are found Not Guilty after the trial.)

    If you are found Guilty, you should still ask for reduced bail and traffic school.  Most judges allow traffic school (after a trial) especially on a first offense.  This will keep the point off your record and your insurance rates down.  

  6. If I answer this question then I will be practicing law without a license.  Hire an attorney!

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