
I got a speeding ticket for going 90 on the freeway. How many pts is it? Can I take traffic school?

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This is in the california highway. I have a clean record and have had no tickets for over 18 months.




  1. I don't know, where do you live?  And what was the posted speed limit?  States vary on their assessment of fines for speeding, depending on how many miles over the speed limit you were traveling at.  I think you should be able to go to traffic school, though.  That's pretty uniform throughout the States.

  2. It goes by how many miles over the limit you were clocked...I just paid one 17 miles over and it cost me $140.00  You will have to go to court and ask the judge for traffic school..I think you still have to pay the fine but it will not go on your driving record.

  3. It depends what state you got the ticket in. Each state is different. it also depends on how many miles per hour you were over the posted limit.

  4. probably no higher than 2 points.

    i wouldn;t go to traffic school for it, the easiest way to get the points GONE is to go to court & then the DA for the ticket.  They will drop your points off.. Maybe raise the fine though.

    Thats what I alwasy do anyways! =) And if you still have all your points... who cares... 2 is not too bad.. you have 12! :-)

  5. I think it depends on your state- In my state anything 25-30 (not sure) over the speed limit is a criminal  offense and will stay on your record forever.  No driving school for that in my area.

  6. Depending on how many MPH OVER the posted limit you were.  

    Freeway doesn't mean anything as some areas may be 50 (which is 40 MPH over) while other areas are 70-75 ( which is 15-20 MPH over)

    The judge shall decide the fine and points.  I suggest you go to court instead of just sending in your fine......You may need a lawyer as part of the penalty may be license suspension.

  7. That my friend is one of the things you will find out in traffic court.

  8. as long as you were not going over 20 miles over the speed may be able to take a defensive driving course....depending on what state youa re in....Good Luck Leadfoot Buddy...

  9. speeding is usually only 1 pt. but it depends what state you live in

  10. Depends, if it was 55 MPH then it's 6 points and criminal. If its 65 MPH then its still criminal. If it's 75 you may be able to take traffic school.

  11. well, FIRST it depends on which state. Some states are 1 some are 2 and some go by how much you were going over the speed limit.

    In PA if you go more then 40 over, you get 3 points, but if you only go 30 its one. ALSO in pa if you are over the speed limit by 10 in a school zone, it is automatic 5 points.

  12. I think in California, if you're are caught speeding over 15 MPH more than the posted speed limit, you cannot go to driving school. You must go to court, pay the fine and take the points.

  13. You can take traffic school. Look for a comedy traffic school.

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