
I got a speeding ticket in someone else's vehicle.?

by Guest65192  |  earlier

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I got a speeding ticket in someone else's vehicle (72 in a 55 mph). How will this ticket affect her insurance rates, if at all? Also, how will this ticket affect my own insurance? It is my first traffic ticket ever, and I plan on simply paying the fine, not fighting it or anything.




  1. It will not affect her insurance at all. It may not affect yours either if you don't get anymore tickets (moving violations) within a one year period of time from time of the first ticket. In Illinois first time traffic offenders have the option of taking a class that will wipe the violation off of their driving record after 90 days. Often times if you ask the States Attorney, they will somtimes ask the judge for 30, 60, or 90 days supervision in which case if you do not recieve more tickets the violation will be struck from your record as well.

    I have been retired for 6 years but I was a

    Police officer in the State of Illinois for 21 years.

  2. call your insurance agency and ask

  3. It will not affect her at all. When you get a ticket they use your driver's license number and do not even copy down any insurance information at all, they only wanted to see proof of insurance, if they asked. It may affect your insurance rates when your renewal date comes around. Usually if it is your first ticket, you can pay to take a driver's safety course, which keeps it off of your record, and in that case, your insurance will not be affected. Hope that helps

  4. Should't affect the owners insurance rates, nor the owners license in any way but it will affect both of yours

  5. Your speeding ticket in your friend's car should have no effect at all on her insurance rates. Once your insurance company learns of the points on your license, they will most likely raise your rates. How much is hard to say.

  6. The first one shouldnt hurt you as long as you pay it . i got pulled ove in my ex's car and he didnt know i dont think it will affect the owner of the car either ..

  7. The vehicle that you are operating at the time you get stopped for a traffic violation, doesn't matter. No matter who owns it. You're getting the ticket, not the vehicle. It goes to the operator of the vehicle. So the ticket will only effect the operator's insurance. If you have a good driving record than the insurance effect will be minimal. Also, if you don't notify the insurance (I wouldn't), that's ok because they do their checks usually every 3 to 6 months.

  8. Not hers yours..go to traffic school

  9. the driver is responsible for the moving violation (72 on 55) and the owner of the vehicle is responsible for the registration and insurance of the vehicle

    your insurance will go up about 10 dollars a month for having a point on your driving record, but you might have the right to traffic school , and that will save you from that point on the record.

    the owner on the vehicle is safe

    if she was current with the registration and insurance nothing will happen to her.

    if she wasn't , then she will get a fix-it ticket which will require her to correct the problem

    a fix-it ticket is not a moving violation so it will not be a point on the driving record

    a fix-it ticket is a broken windshield , expired tags , no proof of insurance , burnt out tail or head light, and so on

  10. It won't affect her insurance, only yours.  Your insurance will go up.  Not sure how old you are, but I'm going to guess young?  My 18 year old son got a ticket and his insurance went up about 15%.

    Nice way to drive her car after she loaned it to you, by the way.  What if it had been a wreck instead of a ticket?

  11. Well since they don't give tickets to cars, it won't affect HER at all!  It will make YOUR insurance go up and you will loose points off your license!

  12. The points for the ticket goes against your license. She shouldn't have to worry about it.

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