
I got a speeding ticket in the state going 75 mph in a 40 miles zone?

by  |  earlier

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police pulled me over and gave me a $90 ticket for speeding now i payed $25 off of it cause thats all i had at the time and no job so 2wks later they sent me a court date which was schedule for the 23rd of june and i missed it so now i still owe the $65 and i am worried that my license is going to be suspended =( my question is when do the amount doubles and will they suspend my license without any notice and i am also on my provisional license so will i have to start my 18months over or not?? by the way i am in the state of maryland i live in pg county but got pulled over in montgomery county.




  1. speeding pay up...

  2. Zoom Zoom Ur not speed racer LOL

  3. Wow, only 90 bucks for going almost twice the speed limit, what would they do if your recklessness had caused an accident, send you to your room.

    I wouldn't worry so much about the license suspension as the likely bench warrant for your arrest for missing the court date, my gut tells me that you probably belong in jail, good luck.

  4. You should buy a boat

  5. You're lucky.

    If you would have gotten the same violation in my state, the fine would have been $ 500.

    They have no obligation to inform you about a suspension until after it occurs.

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