
I got a strange call anyone know what is was about?

by  |  earlier

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I just recieved a call from a heavy accented man (Indian I believe) and he continually asked me if this number (my phone number) was a business or personal number.

After a few times asking him who he was and why he was calling I gave up to what seemed a language barrier and then he instantly hung up when I said it was my number.

Did I sign up for some calling list or something?

Also the number was private when I tried to call it back.




  1. It could just be someone crank calling you.  Don't answer private calls.  My philosophy is if you can't tell me who you or where you are calling from, then I'm not wasting my time.  Good luck!  

    Feel free to call up your phone company although they can't trace the call explain what happen and change any pins.  That way they know that you have not authorized anything.

  2. he is probly scamming you , dont call back it will be a premium rate fone number, block his number too xxxxxx

  3. no its telephone solicitors i receive the same calls...usually asking me what my number is and what business i work for...i mean its life in the year 2008...they somehow gain numbers and then continue to call you...and no you did not enter anything for a calling list...if anything he gained access to your phone provider and got your number...but usually its random...i get the unknown call all the time sometimes even on my cell phone....hope this helped

  4. he was probably calling from publisher's clearinghouse to tell you that you won ten million dollars.

  5. Sounds like a person who was only trying to solicit businesses for either sales or information.  Once he found out it was a personal number, he may have realized he wasn't going to get anywhere.  If it's a landline, they aren't able to tell if it's home or business sometimes.

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