
I got a ticket a month ago how can i lower my insurance?

by Guest66499  |  earlier

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i'm 17 and i crashed my car for doing stupid stuff...i leanerd my lesson but that wont take points away from my record...i just paid of my ticket and didnt go to school for it...coz i thought that it wont give me this muchh of a my license is for business purposes only... cant do anything about that anymore but how can i lower my insurance rate?cause it skyrocketed to almost 350 a month from do i lower it?i cant take the class anymore to reduce my points... can anyone tell me on wat to do so i can lower my monthly insurance?




  1. You lower your rate by cutting your coverages.  That means, if you have a car with a loan on it, sell it, and buy a $500 junker that you can carry minimum coverage on.

  2. Each year 2 pts will come off your record....wait until all the points come off then apply to another carrier.

  3. Start out by being a responsible driver.  It's going to take awhile before your rates will go down ( if ever). It's a lesson you just learned.

  4. The only way would have been to attend school when that was an option.  Since you waived your right to alleviate the burden, you're stuck.

    You can shop around -- maybe find a lower rate with a different carrier, or maybe be a "rider" on another person's insurance policy (your parent's perhaps??).  

    In the end however,  you're probably just going to have to sit it out for the number of months that you are being punished for and consider this a VERY expensive lesson.

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