
I got a ticket in the mail...?

by  |  earlier

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I accidently ran a red light, and a camera caught it on tape and sent me a ticket. There's no doubt about it, I did it, in fact, I remember doing it, and it's kind of a bad habit of mine. So I'm not trying to get out of trouble.

The problem is, I lost my job, and have moved from the address and didn't check the mail until the ticket was over a month past due. I will actually be dealing with the ticket the day after finding out about it but that is very very late. Being that I'm out of work and getting to the most desperate phase of the money I had saved up, I don't have the money to pay the ticket.

What's the worst that can happen re: my insurance, driving privileges, and most important, is there a warrant out for my arrest now? How do I know? What do I do?




  1. You better take care of the ticket. They may not let you make payments on it now since it is late.

    Depending on the area you live in, there may be a warrant out for your arrest. If you don't pay the ticket you can also lose your drivers license.

    You need to call and talk to someone or at least have a friend call and found out.

    They do not take excuses. Believe me I know.

    I'm a single mom with three kids and all I was doing was picking up my step dad out of the kindess of my heart from his work. I didn't know the speed limit because they deliberately put signs where people cannot see them. It's a speed trap area. I paid like 3/4's of my ticket and forgot to pay the balance that was less than $30. I was two days late and they had put a warrant out for my arrest. The judge had no mercy on me even though there were other offenses worse than mine in traffic court.  It wasn't I didn't have the money either. I was treated as if I knew better and I had no business being in his courtroom.

  2. Yes that sucks but you should at least contact the courts and find out how much you owe today. Most times they will let you make payments so you don't lose your driving privilages.  

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