
I got a ticket in wisconsin, (but I live in Illinois) I couldn't pay the ticket so they suspended my license

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Does that effect me here in ilinois? and I recently noticed my insurance says I have 1 point on my license, what does that mean? and does illinois even go by a point system?




  1. Allow me to help - most people here a partially right.

    Illinois has a point system - but points do not accumulate to a certain number to which triggers a suspension - so you ask why are there points - which do vary from violation to violation - without a certain point total to equal a suspension???  I have asked the question myself for 24 years - the SOS Office can't define it either.

    All in said - you conviction in any state gets sent back to Illinois.  What happened in Wisconsin is that your ticket went to a failure to appear - but when you got the ticket - you should have posted money - because Wisconsin is not a member of the nonresident violator compact - and not your license as you would have in Illinois.

    Did you get what is known as an "I" bond - recognasance bond which allows you to sign and go??  This may determine the cause or definition of the suspension - but in the end suspended is suspended.

    Illinois goes by moving violations per year - and if you are over 21 YOA you get three - the points assigned by you insurance may just be an insurance thing - because speeding tickets and others start at 10 points and go up - minful that we don't pay attention to the point system here in Illinois.

    You can have insurance if your license is suspended - the insurance company does not check your license status minute to minute - they only check at certain intervals - so you can have valid insurance and a suspended license.  I have seen unlicensed imagrants with valid insurance.  Your license will show up suspended in all 50 states.

    You have to settle the ticket in Wisconsin and pay your Illinois re enstatement fee to reactivate it.

  2. if they suspended it in WI it's suspended period!  pay the fine or fight it in court

  3. If your license is suspended in Wisconsin, it's most likely suspended in Illinois as well.  

  4. Yes you can get a ticket and one state and it will follow you cause it goes by your drivers liences.. and I believe you have like ten days to get your liences switched over to the new state that you moved to same way with your car tags. or they will fine the h**l out of you for it.. Not sure its ten days but I know its not very long...

    ouch 250.00 bucks did u got to court? if you do they will charge you court costs and everything..

    Best of luck

  5. Yes it affects you. You live in illinois, do you not know your state laws?

  6. Why don't you just pay the ticket and the $50 reinstatement fee, then you won't have to worry about it anymore???

  7. they can not do that

  8. Ok. I'll try to make this as understandable as I can. Wisconsin DOT has far reaching arms and strict penalties when it comes to traffic violations. If you do not pay you traffic ticket (even if it was a parking ticket) the State of Wisconsin will issue a warrant for your immediate arrest, should you ever be caught in Wisconsin again. The warrant will be on your public record that transcends state borders, however, it is unlikely that Illinois (or another state) would expedite you on a traffic charge.

    The part where you said that Wisconsin suspended your license means that they suspended your license within the State of Wisconsin. Meaning that should you visit Wisconsin without paying your ticket, you could be fined again for driving with an invalid license.

    Also, the State of Wisconsin has an agreement with the states of Illinois, Michigan, and Minnesota that if a violation occurs within one of these states and the forfeiture is not paid, it will be taken out of you state tax return at the end of the next tax period. This will also include late fees and additional fines, which could end up taking your entire tax return.

    I highly recommend paying your ticket.

    Hope this was clear enough for you! Good Luck!

  9. Yes a ticket follows across State Lines (thank you Bill Clinton).  If your license is suspeneded in Wisconsin then it is suspended everywhere. You will not be able to get an Illinois license until you've taken care of this.

    Insurance is base on the vehicle and assumes only a license driver will operate it. If a license driver is not availble then it will sit.

  10. If you are suspended in another state then you are automatiacally suspended in Illlionis.  Its called Receprocity.

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