
I got accepted into a super elite High School. Should I go?

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I got accepted into a great private high school for the sophomore year. Before I was going to a public high school which I didnt like so much but had a lot of friends in. I have to decide whether to stay in the public school, or go to the private school. I am worried that it is sophomore year and people have their group of friends already and that I might not fit in as easy. What should I do?




  1. go to the elite high school cuz if you go to that school you'll get a better chance of going to a good college.

    you can make friends anywhere

    i bet you're a good person- just be yourself and people will like you

    i mean- people crossed country to be my friend! (i.e. korea)

  2. To me, I think you should. You know, just to try new thinks.

    But hey, it depends on you. If you think you are still not too sure about this, it's better not to go, because later on you will regret.

    However, I think you should go. Just for experience. :D

  3. I suggest going.  You'll get a better high school education and get accepted into better colleges.  You'll make new friends.  I know high school is hard (I've been there) and all you want to do is to fit-in, but take some advice from a 23-year-old and focus on your studies.  High school is just a small portion of your life and the friends you make in high school probably won't even remember you 5 years later.  However, if you stay in public school and get an inferior education, you'll regret it the rest of your life.  Do what's best for your future.  You'll make new friends at the new school.

  4. go to the private school because of the education

    you will make friends! don't worry  

  5. Depends. Do you think you will survive grade-wise? Also I have noticed that in elite high schools, most of the kids are EXTREMELY rich. So unless you are also that rich, you probably won't fit in, when everyone has a Ferrari and you don't! But yes, it will get you into a better college for sure.

  6. YES, go. it'll be a great opportunity to start anew. when the time comes to apply to college, they'll see that not only do you have good grades, but they were harder to earn because of the high school. i think that because you are new, people will be curious about you and want to talk to you. that's what hppnd to me the times i was new.  

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