
I got an 80 on my college midterm. My husband says it's considered a C. I think it's a B. Who is correct?

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I got an 80 on my college midterm. My husband says it's considered a C. I think it's a B. Who is correct?




  1. It's a C .

    85 is the lowest B

  2. Depends on the grading scale of the particular college... there are not all the same.  Most colleges would consider that a B- in our area.

  3. he's right, C

  4. 98 and up is A+

    97-94 is A

    93-90 is A-

    89-88 is B+

    87-84 is B

    83-80 is B-  !!!

  5. They're all right.  It depends on the grading scale.  The standard scale is based on a ten point system.  90-100 is an A, 80-89 is a B, 70-79 is a C, 60-69 is a D, and anything below 60 is an F.  However, more rigorous systems use a different scale.

    Could be a B, could be a C.  Depends.

  6. The college.  Check there grading scale in their handbook or see if it is on line.  Colleges have different grading scales.  Offhand, I would say it is a B-.

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