
I got an IQ 110 is that good or bad?

by Guest56388  |  earlier

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i am in grade 11, and 16years old




  1. Whether it is a good or bad score depends on how you feel about it.  You are always going to run into people, some of them very obnoxious people, who will claim to have a much higher IQ.   I don't know if you heard about the James Watson mess.  Watson along with Crick was the co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, for which they received the the Nobel Prize.  He lost his job because he made a remark that that he was inherently pessimistic about being able to help Africa solve some of their problems because even if people think all people are equal, the tests show they are not.  

    What he is referring to is the "fact" that African Americans score on average 15 points or one standard deviation lower than European Americans on IQ tests.  If you want to read more go to Wikipedia and type in The Bell Curve.  A bell curve is a normal random distribution.  There are 3 standard deviations above the average score [100] and three below it.  The Standard deviations closest to the middle of the curve each take up 34% of the group,  the second sets each take up about  14% and the third take up a little less than 2%.  

    One of the big problems with IQ tests and the Bell Curve is that the results indicate that 16% of African Americans test grade is below 70.  A grade of below seventy is considered to be in the mentally handicapped range.  The US Supreme Court ruled that anyone with an IQ of below 70 could not be executed because they were not mentally competent enough to help with their defense. Do you really believe that one out of every 6 African Americans you run into is slightly to severely mentally retarded?  

    It is results like this that make me put not a great deal of faith in the accuracy of IQ tests.  

    It also happens on the upper end.  Richard Feynman a Nobel Laureate in Physics and on almost every physicists top ten lists of great physicists of the 20th century had an IQ test score of 125.  He is the only Nobel laureate in physics with an IQ of less than 160.   He did not think much of IQ tests.

  2. That's good. :) Different tests can vary, but generally, 100 is the average. There are 10 times less people in the world with a score of 110 than people with 100. 100 times less people with 120 than 100, and so on.. the scale is logarithmic.

    You might have scored slightly higher if you were older, but I'm not sure if your test took that into account. Did it ask for your birthday?

    If you took one of those free online tests, those are generally inaccurate. But 110 is a good score. :)

  3. 110 is what's called high average. IQ scores have a standard deviation of 15, so 110 is on the high side of average. The high side of average goes up to 115. The low side goes down to 85. (Since totally average would be 100).

  4. That's above average. The average score is 95-100 so give yourself a pat on the back! Good for you!

  5. LOL thats actually pretty good!

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