
I got an eye infection while wearing contacts (not related to the lenses). I took them out and eventually my?

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eye healed. Is it safe to use those same contact lenses after my infection has cleared, or are they no longer safe to use (because of the infection)?




  1. You have to figure out what caused the infection. This problem might be complicated in that it may reflect the states of your body to some degree. If you belong to a group of people who tend to get allergic to lenses, you can't use it any more. Go to check with your doctor for the reason caused the infection.  

  2. Discard those lenses to be safe and call your eye doctor. Depending on what gave you the infection, you wouldn't want to put contaminated lenses back into your eyes. I used to work at for an Optometrist, I am urging you to call yours.  

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