
I got an indian ringneck about a month old. do you think this age is good.?

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I got an indian ringneck about a month old. do you think this age is good.?




  1. that is the same age i got my bird. the only thing u need to be  aware of is that u will probally have him for 30 years with good care

  2. I think it's a great age...we got ours at 5weeks and he is awesome! I had to handfeed ours for 3 weeks after getting him, and he was wild because he had been parent raised. We spend alot of time with him and handle him constantly. Ringnecks are a species that need constant human interaction. They are an awesome species though, they are very fast learners..and they are very active birds!

  3. I hope you know what you are doing, because it's easy to burn a crop, sour the crop, and kill a baby bird.  Good age, NO, It should have stayed with the breeder till it was weaned.  But if you need any help, i'm only an email away.  

    Ringnecks are awesome birds, but are protective of their cages.  Awesome talkers as well.

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