
I got an interview but I can't figure out what its for?

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I got a call a few minutes ago at 9: 30 am saying that I got an interview on Sat 9 September. I was half-asleep and I couldn't figure out who called me. At first I thought it was an annoying call centre call but then figured out she was calling me in for an interview. I finally managed to get a word in the end and asked her if she'd send me all these details by post and she said yes. Just wondering if I did the right thing. And will I be judged for how I responded on the phone?




  1. no, you should not have asked will make you look bad, liek you don't really care.  Do you have call display or return...can you call the operator and ask if they can trace where the call came from?  Where have you applied?

  2. I think you acted very sensibly, for someone woken by a call.  

    Just be prepared to wait for the post as  hospitals rarely use 1st class mail.  

    Get ready for the interview by having a list of questions you want to ask about it. Do as much research about the hospital as you can.

  3. This is an interesting dilemma.  My sister was recently job hunting and received a call from an employer at 8:30am inviting her to an interview, and she too was asleep and responded in a drowsy manner.  She eventually got the job, but was told that her phone manner during that call had almost ruined her chances.  She said at the time that 8:30 is too early to be calling anyone ... anyone who is unemployed is still asleep, and anyone who is employed is on their way to work and it's not convenient to speak.  Both of these things are true.  However I would also argue that if you are job hunting so you know employers will be calling, you always want to make sure that you give the best impression you can, so if you can't give a good impression then you should just let the call go to voicemail, even if you do have to pay to pick it up.

    But you sound like you handled it fine.  It's normal for employers to confirm everything by email (or post) anyway.  There's certainly no harm in asking if they don't offer.  I don't know where you live, but if you're in London you'll know that there are many places that are almost impossible to find if you don't have the full postcode, and of course if you're noting it down over the phone then it's easy to mishear.

  4. Hey! Not to worry, it's fine. You'll get the details through the post and you'll know :)

    What you said on the phone is absolutely fine. Sounded very professional and mature. I wouldn't worry about it.

    I was in a similar situation two weeks ago, where i had an answering message about an interview (and i'd applied for loads of jobs!) but the place/what is was for was hard to hear because of the signal of the phone during the call. Also, i could only hear the first 5 digits of the number and so had to call loads of different numbers with different 6th digits until i found the right one!

    Don't worry, you'll be fine. It probably is the Hospital because of the interview being on a saturday, however expect the unexpected. The phone call i got was for a position i'd applied for four months back.

    And now i've got my first training day for the job today and i've literally just got a call for another job! How typical is that!?

    I bet that happens to you aswell!

    Good luck girl, seriously don't worry about it. Everyone else who is saying you've done really wrong is just teasing you. Like i said, you were professional and efficient. I'll bet their even impressed.


  5. By asking for them to forward details in the post is a normal request, and definantly the correct thing to do - it will have the information you need.

    however, having been called about an interview you may be interested in, I would have thought you would have made yourself 'wake up with a jolt' immediately.

    you want the job, you ought to show a bit more interest.

  6. block your number, and call them, " hi thanks for calling _________" then hang up..

    if u dont have caller id pick up the phone and dial *69

    *67 is to block.;...

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