
I got arrested for speeding. I was never read my rights. Can i get my charges dropped?

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My friend said that they dont have to read them to you, they can also make you sign a piece of paper. I was not read or given a piece of paper to sign. 40mph ova speed limit is jailable offense so i got arrested (Yes for speeding only)




  1. FOLLOW THE SPEED LIMIT. Everybody is paying for it the raise the insurance. You are one of the reason why gas is high.

  2. Let me guess you are 17 yoa and you know everything!  Yes you can go to jail for driving 40 mph over the speed limit....just b/c you're ignorant of that law it doesn't mean it does not apply to you.  The officer doesn't have to read you your rights.  The only time an officer reads you your rights is usually when they are investigating a crime and asking  you questions about the crime about THAT and you are the/a suspect.

  3. No you can't it wasn't a felony and they observed you speeding.

  4. They only need to read you your rights if they are going to question you. If they observed the crime and don't need any other evidence, they may not interogate you, in which case they don't need to Mirandize you.

  5. No you do not need them read to you. You where not questioned as part of a criminal investigation.

    You sped, they arrested you end of story. No investigation.

    You can be asked certain pedigree info, like name, DOB etc without your "rights" being read.

    Your 'rights" being read would only be an issue if you made a statement without them being read to you. Even then, only the statement would possibly be thrown out, not the actual arrest.

    Many states arrest speeders. Esp if you are from out of state.

    It is not a criminal arrest, so now miranda warning is needed.

  6. Out of curiosity. Did you actually read the first line of your question?

    Or more importantly did you think about it?

    Here's the deal.

    You were speeding!

    It is illegal to speed!

    You got arrested for doing it!


    Why do you think the charges should be dropped?

  7. Kinda glad you got caught and stopped cause it could have been me or my kid you put in danger.  There are rules and, once in a while, it pays to adhere to them. You have an opportunity to learn.

  8. Officers are not required to read you your rights for ANY type of offense unless they plan on questioning you. So, no, that won't get the charge dropped.

    I don't know where you live (each state is different), but where I am, anything 25mph or more over the speed limit is considered reckless driving and is an arrestable offense.

  9. No, unless you can prove that your rights pertaining to self incrimination were violated,

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