
I got bit by a friend of mine

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I'm 12 and she bit me for no reason on the knuckle and i started to bleed does that mean i have some kind of a disease now :(




  1. My sister had a birthday party and her friends were playing tag.  One of her friends was running down the hill with her mouth open and another girl ran into her.  Needless to say she had to go to the hospital for stitches and a cleaning.  

    As stated above, the human mouth is more dirty than a dogs.  If the bit is deep or bigger than say a paper cut see a doctor.  Better safe than sorry!

    Good luck!

    Make sure to clean it as well.  The last thing you need is an infection!

  2. A human or animal bite requires a tetanus shot. Under the gum line are bacteria that can cause one nasty infection as well as transferring hepatitis among other things. FYI my cat bit my finger pretty bad, my finger swelled the next day and I could not bend it for a week, I was put on antibiotics. My cartilage is now deformed.

  3. yea cooties.  

    Just put a band-aid on it.  

  4. You should see a doctor. The human mouth is not as clean as that of your pet dog - believe it or not. A dog has a natural ati-septic where as a human mouth does not. Be sure to keep the area very clean in the mean time.

  5. No, not unless your friend has an infectious disease.  Just put Neosporin and a bandaid and let it heal.

  6. Hope you washed the wound out with soap and water. Watch hand for pain, redness and swelling. See a doctor if they appear.

    Think hard about the qualities you like in this person and your friends in general. Was this an isolated impulsive act, or does your friend seem to enjoy hurting you physically or mentally? If so, you need to look for better friends.

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