
I got bitten by a pet iguana has no shots hurts like h**l drew blood what to do.?

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I got bitten by a pet iguana has no shots hurts like h**l drew blood what to do.?




  1. wash it really well, rinse it with rubbing alcohol, wash again, then neosporin it and band aid on

  2. Iguanas do have a bit of bacteria in their saliva. Iguanas do not require vaccines, they do not carry rabies or anything like that. And salmonella is not spread through bites, it is spread from f***s to mouth contamination.

    Iguana bites sting..... oh god they sting. I have been bit by many (I run a reptile rescue). The best thing is to rinse it out well, use peroxide or rubbing alcohol to kill as many bacteria as you can. Put some neosporin or antibiotic ointment, and a bandaid on it. That is the best you can do. If it is deep enough to require stitches, go to the doctor, but keep in mind that many doctors are not well educated on reptiles, and may require a tetanus shot when you tell them it was an animal bite. So, if you choose to visit a doc, keep that in your budget.

    Good luck.

    Keep it clean, and don't be too mad at him!

  3. I use to pets sit an iguana and she bit me, it hurts like a b****h, but just clean it put some neosporin on it and put a band -aid on it. You will be alright ;)

  4. go to a doctor

  5. I would suggest washing it thoroughly with a good anti-bacterial soap and put something on it to stop infection.

  6. wash the bite .and keep it clean

  7. Wash it thoroughly, apply an antiseptic and bandage it. I get bitten all the time. No biggie.

  8. Neosporin and a bandade.

  9. If it did not belong to you,keep your hands and fingers out of it's moth.

    Debbie O

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