
I got braces 3 days ago and...dentists pleez help? Others pleez help too!!! What do i do?!?!?

by  |  earlier

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I got braces three days ago, and I still cant really chew my food, it hurts too much. I'm leaving for camp in about 3 hours, too, so I cant go to the dentist or anything. What should I do? I tried biting and hurts a lot. I want to be able to chew at camp, not just sit around and starve myself!!!! Any help? Preferably people like dentists and their assistants?




  1. They are going to hurt, by the end of camp you are going to be chewing like you always did. I had to go to school, when I talked it hurt, and at school the teachers called my name to answer questions. OUCH! And try jello, corn, peas, apple sauce, ceral, ice cream, pudding, mac and cheese, soup, mashed potatoes, and any other soft food you can think of.

  2. HELLO I been havin braces for about 4 about a year now n when i first got mine they hurted 2 bt I dont think its nothin you can do about it i think your mouth is just nomb right now and you havent got used 2 them but like after a week they wont hurt anymore

    --i suggest u try eatin food you dont have 2 chew until they stop hurtin

    like cream..jello...etc


  3. You need to be certain and take Tylenol or Ibuprofen for the pain. This won't take it away, but, it will help.

    Instead of choosing a hamburger, eat peanut butter and jelly...bananas...things that are a little softer. It will only take 3-7 days for you to get use to it...and the pain should ease up.

    I know your not looking for food be sure and take some Tylenol or Ibuprofen to camp with you. Tear your food with your fingers in bite size pieces...roll them around in your mouth allowing them to become moist and soft before trying to actually chew them.

    Drink lots of fluids. This not only will help you stay full, but staying hydrated should help you recover quicker.

    Goodluck. It will be worth it in the end...I promise!

    Keep Smiling! =D

    Have fun at Camp!

  4. when i got my braces they hurt for like a week and so i just ate easy things like pudding.  i found that the more you bite together the more faster you will get over the pain.  

  5. Yeah thats normal. Your teeth will hurt every month. just chew gum it may hurt but in a few minutes you'll feel ok!

  6. Don't chew gum or popcorn cause it will get stuck in your braces and all you got to do is like suck on ice or a cold water but ya its going to hurt a lot

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