
I got braces at the age of 19 . But after removal I feel that......?

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my teeth have come back to their original position. Now I am 28. what should I do now? Is their any other option except braces?




  1. You could try Invisalign (plastic removable braces) if your teeth aren't that far out of alignment, they are more expensive but are clear plastic and give the appearance of not having braces at all.

    If your teeth moved back that is a sure sign that you did not wear your retainers. Braces are only for moving the teeth into the correct position, and the retainers are made to keep them there.

    If the cost is not a problem, you could have all of your teeth veneered with false fronts, (teeth ground down and replaced with porcelain veneers), painful and expensive, but very quick.

  2. first of all, phone and book an appt with your ortho........

    as far as other aoptions go? well maybe he can jsut make you a new retainer and put pressure points on it to move your teeth back into place (this is what i had done when 1 tooth moved slightly out of place)

    or you could always look into invisalign...but then again if you have a bite problem, i dont think the invisalign will be able to help you

    best thing really is to tlak to your ortho cause he/she is the professional and actually knows what theyre talking about!

    good luck

  3. invisalign (sp?). i have it as a retainer, i hate it. but some people like it. you can also get your teeth surgically moved around and straightened. talk to your orthodontist.

  4. U can always try invisalign so u wont have to go through the pain of braces again

  5. Well first call your dentist then ( he will probably be willing to schedule a check up ) ( or a different dentist that you go to , they will have your records and some pictures) Check out this *IF unsuccessful try these


  6. try invasilign or veneers. Check to see if your insurance could cover some of them. I was wondering did you wear a retainer for some years after braces? That's what keeps them from going back to their original place.

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