
I got braces today and my teeth hurt badly do you guys know any way i can get rid of pain

by Guest62139  |  earlier

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I got braces today and my teeth hurt badly do you guys know any way i can get rid of pain




  1. I had braces, I say get used to it. Your teeth are going to be sore every time they move them. You could have something warm to drink, and if it gets really bad, some sort of pain relief pill like tylenol or asparin (but I dont recommend that unless it's completely intolerable since I think it does more harm than good)

    btw, you could always ask your orthodontist if you have any questions about your teeth, gums or any other oral problem.

  2. nope, sorry, its going feel like that every time you to get them tightened( every 6-8 weeks).Good luck

  3. Ibuprofen, soft foods. Also try to drink or eat something cold. The new wires that are used today are heat activated (The first couple of wires anyway) When they warm up to your body temp. That's when they are the most active. If you drink something cold, it will cool down the wire giving you a small break for about 30 mins or so. When they are active they move your teeth into a better alignment at about the same rate a tooth erupts into your mouth. Teeth only ache while they are getting into motion. Once they're in motion, it won't ache so much anymore. The achyness usually lasts about 3 days.

  4. wear ur wax, take advil, and eat lots of popsicles. The frozen pops will numb ur mouth, just don't chomp down or bite the pops. It could hurt real bad if you do. But in a few days you should be fine.

  5. I know it hurts really bad but, you can take a pain reliever like advil or aleeve. Then just he soft food. It will hurt for like a week.

  6. Wait it out. There's nothing really you can do. Wear your wax if they begin to rub and irritate the inside of your mouth. Eat soft foods for a couple of days. Good luck!

  7. wax  for your inner lips and  LOTS OF IBUEPROFEN!!

    not tylonal or alieve b/c ibueprofen if designed for tooth aches and me it works great!!!

    i saw that a lot ofother people were saying aleive or asprin or tylonal...those wont work for a tooth ache....only ibueprofen will!..

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