
I got caught doing 60 in 30 mph zone am i going to lose my licence ?

by Guest66732  |  earlier

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im 22 and had my licence for nearly 3 years an never had any points at all or even been in trouble i was in a rush in my opinion it was safe to do so a police car seen me an sped after me but they have no evidnce i was doin 60 so wadya wreckcon also i have recently completed the pass plus course




  1. Yeh probably. If you dont you will be lucky, Got to respect the community you live in.x

  2. Plain and simple.......Yes.......

  3. You got caught but they have no evidence? That doesn't make sense. If there is no evidence you wont be charged.

    If you are charged there is a good chance you will get banned, especially if other charges are being considered.

    Also depends on how you plead and magistrate you get, I certainly wouldn't recommend quoting that you have done PassPlus and considered it safe to do that speed.

  4. Just is pay the big *** fine. And you'll live to speed again! Way to go HOTROD! Was it worth it?Did you learn for it?

  5. No just fined.

  6. i HOPE U DO.

    what were you thinking. if you are under 21 its over. why go that fast in A RESIDENTAL NEIGHBHORHOOD where CHILDREN PLAY what if someone died. SLOW DOWN USE YOUR HEAD

  7. UK Law, fines and points.

    Known officially in the UK as "EXCEEDING SPEED LIMIT", this table shows baseline penalties you can expect. It's correct as of 10th March 1999. Each case will be looked at individually, to assess factors such as time of day, road type and conditon, weather conditions etc. The fine is now also based upon the financial circumstances of the offender, leading to payment within 12 months.

    Offence Fine Costs Penalty Points

    up to 15mph over the posted limit £44 £30 3

    16mph to 25mph over the posted limit £45-£100 £30 4

    26mph to 35mph over the posted limit £45-£200 £30 5-6

    36mph or more over the posted limit £67-£300 £30 Ban 1 month to 12 months

    The numbers on the far right hand side are for potential bans for each instance! So in your case you are looking at £45-200 fine and £30 costs and up to a 5-6 month ban depending on circumstances. I wish you the best of luck!

  8. In my state you would. That's reckless!

  9. I hope so. You idiot!!!

  10. Its 30 for a reason, no excuse $200 fine and baned for 3 months .


  12. Hope so!

  13. I hope so!

  14. I don't know about the USA, but in the UK you are in trouble. In a 30 zone, you will normally get away with 33mph from a static camera or 35 if you are caught by a "gun".

    Current UK is that you are considered to be driving recklessly at more than 30mph above the speed limit.

    The sentence is likely to be a 12 month ban and a hefty fine.

    Get a good Solicitor.

  15. You deserve to.

  16. At least 6 points or a ban.

    Why were you going so fast? Was it safe?

    I got done for 56 in a 30 some years ago and got 3 points. But it was the middle of the night on a dual carriageway so was not dangerous.

  17. Time to get a bicycle, your going to need it for about the next year.

  18. depends on your driving record,normally it's just a fine and a few points(2-3 I think)

  19. It will coast you some points on your licence and you will pay a fine as well subsequently your insurance premium will go up, be careful mate.

  20. Yes

    Double the speed limit almost certain to lose it

  21. Well, in the U.S., in my state, anything above 15 miles over speed limit is eligible for a reckless driving ticket.  Whether or not it is so assigned, probably depends on other factors.

  22. Get a lawyer, thats "reckless driving" in every state. 20 mph over the posted speed limit would have got you a ride to jail in my state

  23. Even if in your opinion it was safe to do 60, it wasn't safe in the real world.

    If you go around with that attitude you won't do yourself any favours.

    As a minimum as said before you will get 6 points, I'd probably just go to court admit it and take it on the chin. Arguing your case could just make matters worse and may result in a ban.

  24. It all depends, is it youre first traffic offence, ever been to prison.

    Depend on the judge you have that day as well.

    I think you'll get 6pnts max x

  25. You should lose your driving licence, and your breeding licence.  Honestly, double the speed?  Follow the rules, or stay off the road.

  26. You deserve to lol... but in all seriousness in the U.S double the speed limit is reckless driving so you would here.

  27. You will probably have to get fined money, or you might have to do community service if you can't pay.

    You shouldn't lost your liscence if it is your first offense.

    Just don't do it again, you never know if you will hit someone or get in a car accident.

  28. In ma. It is a $1000 fine and loss of your licence for 90 days.

  29. Hi if you have had your full licence for lest than two years and you are under 21 you may have to take your test again .

    And as you were double the speed limit you will get a ban and a heavy fine .

    Which in my opinion you justly deserve .

    Not for going fast but for going fast in the wrong place .

    30 is for a reason ok

  30. If you are a teenager probably so.

  31. Probably you will get a short disqualification 10 days possibly and a fine and probably have to do a speed awareness course before you get your licences back.

    PS the big 30 signs are mandatory not advisory!!

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