
I got caught for shoplifting around $500. i have a court trail in 14 days what will happen ? ?

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i am so scared i am 30yrs and have three kids . i have done this first time?




  1. d**n girl what were you thinking?  I know times are hard and all but did you really think you were going to get away with it?  When in court be polite and respectful and courteous and You should get off easy.  Please do not ever do this to yourself again.  Jails are not pleasant places to be!

  2. you will be band at that store and you probaly have to do communtity work it all depends how old you are  but that is really bad at 500 dollars

  3. The courts do not care whether you have kids or not, they will not be swayed by that fact, women get thrown in jail all the time who have kids.

    But since this is a first offense you will most likely get probation, restitution, fines and court costs.

  4. Good message for you kids! Mommy's a crook. You should have thought about it first! The store may sue you also didn't think about that did ya.

  5. .   You are ok. The jails are full. Hold your head up in court and look the judge in the eye when you speak to her.  Tell the whole truth. If you try to "spin" the story, she won't believe anything you say.  You will get 100 hours community service. Do that service and you are cruising.

  6.    Hope you have an attorney? You better get one because if you get a prosecutor that is a real butt-nose, he will have child's protective services all over you. If you have no criminal history a good lawyer can probably get you probation, if you have a job and some community ties that will help you show the court that though you acted stupidly and probably out of desperation (not drug related), and that you are a good person you may squeak by, good luck and I hope you were not trying to support a drug habit, cause you probably will go to jail and maybe even lose custody.

  7. The maximum for a crime like that is 6 months in jail and/or $2000 fine. But, you will get probation, community service, and you will have to pay restitution to the person you stole the $500 from. Usually, probation will last anywhere from 6 months to a year.

  8. Since this is your first time they may let you off with a warning, although at your age you should know better. Good luck

  9. Yes you are in trouble! Since the dollar amout is over $250. I would suggest getting an attorney. Interview a bunch. By law they will talk with you for free. If you decide to hire one then you will have to pay half up front.

    Get one now!

    Don't do this c**p again cause they could take your children away (for being an unfit mother)

  10. 500.00 worth of stolen stuff...get real your not allright, you better get you an attorney.  500.00 is not just petty theft like lipstick or a pack of steaks. You could go to jail for up to 2 years.. and that is if you have no priors.  Good Luck.

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