
I got caught stealing from Walmart 6 months ago... but nothing happened?

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Okay, I got caught stealing from Walmart 6 months ago when I was 17 years old. I am now 18.

-The police were called.

I have not recieved any letter from Walmart or the City for my court date.

Does this mine I'm off the hook since I have recieved nothing?

Or how long does it usually take? I heard others get it within 2 months of when they got caught.

Any help would be great, thanks.

For those of you that will give me B.S. answers. I tell you, I am not a bad kid, I just needed money...




  1. 6 months ago is not a long time. a person can wait more than an year or two and then later be called on those charges. its just our system that is so backed up on court dates, most likely you will eventually go to court. your 18 so thats a brand new start dont ruin it.

  2. I would call the Court.  The appearance ticket might have gotten lost in the mail and you may have a warrant out for your arrest.  If so, that is a very, very bad thing.

  3. Wow.  Hmmm..that's a tough one I'm sorry :( I'm sure you won't do it again :] You probably will be ok.  That happens a lot where they don't get caught.  If they get your license plate number again they will turn you in.  Then, consequences.

  4. There's was probably a s***w up at the post office.  However, the court won't care.  They probably have an outstanding warrant for you and the next time a cop pulls you over, they'll carry it out.  Hope you learned something from this...

    Think it's driving you nuts?  Wonder how your Dad feels.

  5. we all need money you loser

  6. Most places like Wal-Mart have a dollar amount that you have to go over before they want you to be charged with the theft crime. So I bet you were not over that limit to be charged. Often times they still call the police to scare the kid...

    Your safes bet is to go in person to the police dept and ask. Your mailman could have screwed up and that letter could be lost some place. By going in person they can tell you what is up and give you a copy of the police report.

  7. Wall mart probable did not press charges it depends on what you stole it costs more to wall mart to represent them in court than to drop the your county court house and they will tell you.

  8. The police have more important things to do. u got a break. get caught again it's jail.

  9. thanks for reminding me....there is now an all points bulletin for you arrest..... see you soon

  10. If it's been this long I doubt you will be going to court. Because usually they give you a court date when you are arrested, or at least that's what they do here in Ontario Canada. If you have not moved since then you would have been notified by mail of your court date. It is really embarrassing  when it happens, isn't it?

  11. stealing 4rm Wal~Mart that make you look real bad cuz wal mart sell stuff at a low price. how ur sista dying what's tha cause?

  12. You probably did not steal for it to be worthwhile for them to press charges...what did you steal a candy bar.

  13. Most states allow 6 months to file charges so you may be in for a longer wait.  People have little sympathy for people who steal and if you are expecting it then you need to grow up.  Most people get out and work hard for their money.  Walmart is constantly hiring everywhere but since you stole from them you've ruined any chance of that.

  14. maybe they just did not prioritize your arrest since Walmart is a very big company but since they called the police, the police or court might have neglected your case

  15. What did the cops do, were you arrested and charged? If so, you should have received a summons for a court appearance by now. After this much time has passed, it would probably violate your right to a speedy trial if they decide to go ahead with anything. Maybe you should just call up City Hall and ask them what's going on.

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