
I got contacts about 2 weeks ago but my vision is kind of blurry a lot of the times... help?

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i just went bak to my eye doctor last week. He said everything is fine. When he asked me to read letters i saw them but they were kind of blurry too, although i was still able to see what they are. So can anyone helpme?? am i not cleaning my lens right?? or putting them on wrong? help!!!




  1. You could of put the lenses in side out put you would feel more discomfort. You might still me getting use to them, but if the letters were blurry you might need a little strong prescription.

  2. The average time it takes for someone to get used to contacts or a new prescription is 1 week. Two weeks is still possible, but pushing it. I'd give it a few more days and if you're still experiencing blurriness then your prescription probably needs to be tweaked a little bit. They could be just a little bit too weak OR too strong....or you could have astigmatism that would require an additional type of power/Rx. Your doctor will do this for free because it should be included with your exam/fitting. You don't need a second opinion or a different doctor because this happens ALL THE TIME with eyes. No big deal.

    But, you should try to clean them by putting them in the palm of your hand, applying some clean solution, and rubbing gently even if the box says "you don't have to rub". You should still do it because different people have different protein and mineral content in their tears, which could cause excessive build up that needs to be rubbed off. Also, you could have a "bad batch" of lenses, which also happens sometimes, so you could also try exchanging them for a fresh box and trying that too.

  3. sometimes a film gets under the eyelid and can slip down and blur your vision. try claritan and see if that clears it up. Can you try a different eye doctor? maybe a second opinion would be good.

  4. i think youre either not cleaning them right or your eyes are still getting used to them. person who answered before is right, go to a second eye doctor and see just to make sure. you dont want to end up getting an infection if something is wrong.

    also if it gets really blurry sometimes maybe its ripped? then that would be really bad cause that can lead to a really bad infection which leads to blindness.

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