
I got court tomorrow.. should i be worried? Im a 14 yr old..........?

by  |  earlier

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Well I have court tomorrow, but ive had court before for possesion of marijuana. I didnt get sent to Juvinile Detention (Juvie) but I got sentanced to 60 hours of community service and Random drug testing for a year. I completed my service hours and I have about 7 months to go with random drug testing. They randomly drug tested me once and I was clean. Now im in trouble for something different. Me and a friend ditched school (her Idea) and went to a motel where she went behind the counter and stole 600$ but i told her to put 200$ back and she did (i think). Then she gave me half but i have been telling EVERYONE even the police that she only gave me 20$....... what should i do tomorrow????????????? Do i have a good chance of being sent to juvie?? i cant keep lieing about how much i got because she will be at court tomorrow. Im 14 yr old girl and I live in Kanab Utah. The judge is REALLY REALLY REALLY tough, Judge Lyman. (i dont know how to spell lyman.)

HELP!!!!!!!!!!! tips??????




  1. yeah, you have every reason to be scared and personally i would send you to juvie.

  2. You are DEE DEE DEE

  3. You should tell them the truth. Otherwise, she will and it will look even worse for you.

    There is a good chance you will go to a juvenile detention facility, even if it's just for a few days or a week or so. You are a repeat offender and an accomplice in robbery, but you haven't committed arson, murder, or a s*x crime-- though juvi may seem severe, it's not as bad as it could be.

  4. You should be embarrassed and ashamed that your wasting everyones valueable time by being an idiot.

  5. accept your punishment. you got into this mess. you fell into peer pressure with your friend.

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