
I got cut from the soccer team?

by  |  earlier

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but i can still practice with them if i want, the only reason i tried out was to get in shape for basketball season and two of my best friends are playing this year,. ive never really played soccer before but i dont know, i feel like if i still jsut practice with them its kind of like embarrassing. what do u guys think.




  1. nothing wrong with that, plus soccer increases your footwork for basketball amazingly

  2. This is easy.

    If you like soccer, practice and play with 100% effort.

    If you are just dicking around because your buddy is on the team, go elsewhere.  Don't waste peoples time.

  3. eh just hit up the gym and jog a lil

  4. don't waste your time in that, get a gym membership and work out tehre or just go running on your own and buy a couple of weights.

  5. Aha... Mmm... Choose the only one sort of sport and you'll have a chance to bacome a professional sportsman...

  6. no, go practice basketball. it will b embarrassing

  7. If you know everyone and they and the coacehs are cool with it. why not work out with them.  It should get you in shape for hoops season.

  8. wow

  9. Soccer is a great conditioning sport, and will help you build endurance for Basketball.  I would continue to practice with the team and maybe if someone gets injured you could fill their spot..

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