
I got drunk and let someone else add my tip and sign my credit card tab! ?

by  |  earlier

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They added a huge tip, the bartender asked me if I was sure and I said yes in my drunk and stuper. Can I get my money back?




  1. The bar has in writing your authorization to charge that amount to your account, the bartender could even attest in a sworn statement that she verbally asked you if the amount was correct.  You want to claim you were too drunk to know what was going on . . . sorry but that is not a defense.  It was your responsibility to not drink in excess and your responsibility to close out your tab at the end of the night.  If you are not responsible, next time only take cash to limit your intake.

  2. You could dispute the charge with your credit card company.  After all, the signature won't match your genuine one.

  3. Sorry dude , you are responsible for your own actions. The bartender did nothing wrong. you decided to get drunk

  4. yikes, bad call, sorry you cant get your money back, lesson learned i guess.

  5. Here's a tip for YOU:

    Don't get drunk with a credit card, or with a large amount of money.

  6. Nope dont think so = /

  7. Wow...I hate to break it to you but this is sooo not the bartenders fault.  He/She asked if you were sure and you said yes...what he heck else are they supposed to do?

    Like someone before me said, you might be able to argue with the credit card company but that would be pretty dishonest because even though you didn't sign you did authorize that person to use your card.

    I think you just s***w up dude...lesson learned?

  8. HMMM this is why I don't drink. You are taken advantage of. Let it be a lesson for you.

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