
I got drunk last night and now I feel guilty!?

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I was awake a 2am by myself and was bored so I drank a few shots of my dad's Jack Daniels. I got dizzy fell asleep and wet myself. When I woke up I felt like a piece of c**p. I used to always look down upon drunks...and now I'm one of them. It felt terrible. Anyway, I told my dad about to clear my conscious, and he just shook his head and asked why when I said because I was bored he said "So, whenyou're bored you would just go out and have s*x--run the risk of getting pregnant or an STD?" then he told my mom to pour the rest out. That just made me feel worse...should I have not told him?




  1. You told him because you were feeling guilty. If you haven't told him, you would have probably regretted not doing this.

    It was just a confession.

    They know. So what? Maybe it's even better. They are your parents, and they love you. Your dad just advised you to be more careful. You are bored, but this doesn't mean you just do something to satisfy your need for adrenaline even if it's silly and bad for you.

    Just be more careful - take his advise. This is his message - even though it sounds like a reproach or it is that too or you may feel guilty anyway...

  2. Dont feel bad most all teens experiment with alcohol. Shoot when I was a bored teen I would actually go to the store and shop lift beer and then go home and get drunk. Point is that at least you feel guilty and your not like me and go down a road of alcohol and drug abuse, fortuantely I later on felt guilty of my problems and stopped

  3. It's hard to know whether you should have told him or not, and it's kinda too late for that anyway.

    BTW: I wouldn't stress out over fooling around with booze. Lots of kids fool around with booze when they are wouldn't be human if you weren't curious. Just know that you are a light-weight (wet yourself?!) and thus drinking is too risky for you.

    Also, don't call yourself a drunk.

    Basically, LEARN from the experience so you become wiser. Don't beat yourself up or let anyone else make you feel bad...ever.

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