
I got fired from my job accused of stealing 300 dollars but later they found the money ?

by  |  earlier

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my manager found the money and apologized and tried to offer my job back i said no and i went to get my check she wont give it to me can she do this. now she is sayin i stole but didnt take me to court or call the police i think she is not trying to give me my check cause i wouldnt come back.




  1. sue her fricken head off!!!! its illegal for her to do that

    witholding pay


  2. Many people are suing for stuff like this now, and winning.

    No, she can not hold your pay. Maybe the police can get it for you???

  3. So strait out ask her , Do I need to get my attorney into this, just to get my check?

    After you say that to her ,I bet you get your check with no problem!

  4. Sue. And win. Thats the easiest way to make a fortune, baby.

  5. You can sue anyone, for anything, for any amount, long as you can afford it........

  6. Contact a lawyer.  Probably all that will be necessary is for him/her to write a letter to your former employer, citing law(s)/ precedents relating to the situation.

  7. They should have put you on leave and do some investigation about the missing money.  Becca is right you do have something here that a good lawyer can help you with.  You should have some one with you when you go and pick up your check as an eye witness.

    This case is beyond Human Resources help.

  8. they can not hold your pay-check and couldn't even if they had filed a police must be paid for any hours worked on the normal pay-day for the last pay-period you worked (in many states you must be paid sooner up-to the day of separation).

    you DO NOT need to waste money on a lawyer. ask for your check if they refuse politely let them know you are filing a wage claim with the department of labor. then immediately file the claim. the state will get you your money quicker then any attorney or small claims court can.

    here is a list of all the state's department of labor websites to assist you in getting this settled if need be:

    you can also file for unemployment since they didn't have cause to terminate you  (as long as you meet the other criteria)

  9. No, she cannot withhold from you your pay for hours you have worked.

    Tell her if she does not give you your check you will file suit in small claims court as well as get a hold of her boss.

    If you really want to get to her, tell her as soon as you leave her office you will go to the newspaper and tell them your story.

  10. You need to get a lawyer.  They fired you without proof and then found the money.  They just broke a few laws.  They are also harassing you by not giving you the check.

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