
I got fired from my <span title="job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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I was a manager at a restaurant inside an amusement park. It was a good reference to have for future jobs. I got fired for taking food without permission. Can I still put it as a reference?




  1. Yes you can but you need to work with the former employer about it.

    Just because you got fired doesn&#039;t mean you can&#039;t still get a reference from the now former employer. Unless you did something serious, i.e. stole money, assaulted another employee, sexual harassment, ... and it sounds like what you did was marginal but not serious, they may still give you a reference. Here&#039;s how you do it. You call the GM or owner. You start out byt admitting your mistake and accept your termination over it. Then you say, &quot;Now that I am unemployed, I need to find another job. Is there anyway I can get a reference from you?&quot; This is music to their ears because it means you won&#039;t sue them over the dismissal. There was an incident, you were terminated and no legal action will result. PHEW! Further, a verbal reference is really nothing. What you did was wrong but not serious so they will say the most wonderful thigns about you! Make sure you agree on what the reference will be. Make sure in interviews you state exactly that so if the interview checks the reference, it will be confirmed exactly.


    -- Liam

  2. Wherever I have worked you were allowed to take food no questions asked. How much did you take????????

    I would not put it down as a reference.

  3. Consult a lawyer

  4. First put it into perspective.

    1. How long have you worked at this place? Is it that important that you want to use it as a reference?

    2. Do you have alternate person at the restaurant who can be your referee? I DOES NOT always have to be your manager!

    3. The bottom line is YOUR WORK PERFORMANCE, not the stealing, though that forms part of your character reference and hard to work with.

    4. Suggestion - is it possible to get your job back? Show you are redeemed, and truly sorry?

    5. If all else fails, head south to the summer resorts for a break, and work in for an end of summer job (just on the spot). This will take away the bad experience you just had, and will give you new life into a new job &amp; better reference!

    Good Luck.

  5. putting it as a reference for future potential employers to call could hurt you - because you won;t get a good review  

  6. If you list the job on your resume, someone might call there to get a reference and find out why you left.

    What a stupid thing to do. Maybe you should list it so the next person doesn&#039;t hire someone who steals.

  7. Absolutely list it, its against the law for a former employer to say anything negative.  If they have nothing good to say the by law all they can say is you are not eligible for re-hire.

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