
I got fired from subway cuz i got a tattoo when i got my paycheck can they do that???

by  |  earlier

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i asked another subway an they said they couldnt fire me at all.




  1. Yes and No...........

    yes they can do that because a worker must look presentable at all times. this is valid only if they have some sort of rulebook....

    no because it's ur body and they can't tell you what to do or how to look.

    it depends on the tattoo,how big is it? can you keep it discreet or is it whopping obvious?

    sue them for whatever... :)

  2. I guess if you got a Subway Sucks tattoo on your forehead they could but other then that I think its illegal?

  3. its discrimination and you can sue them and get money for it

    i see so many subway ppl with piercing tatoos and odd balls call some attorneys because your going to be rolling in dough

  4. It does seem harsh. Check any contract you may have signed. If they deemed the tattoo offensive to the public they may have a case.

  5. go above there heads and call the big guys

  6. Where's the tattoo?  If it is on your face or hands then I suppose they wouldn't be happy, but I can't see the problem if it isn't showing.  You should call the head office and ask what the policy is.

  7. maybe because it is gang related, just the idea. its not a "professional appearance". as long as it was stated on the job application "no tattoos allowed" then you are fine and they cannot fire you because it wasn't on the application when you signed and read it. you should talk to the main subway people to get back your job.

  8. Jeez, if you can't even keep a job at Subway with that tattoo, maybe you should think harder about your future job opportunities!

  9. Tattoos are not a protected category so yes they can fire you and no you can't sue.  

    Also if you live in a right-to-work state, they can basically fire you for anything they want, and there isn't anything you can do about it.

    If you got the tattoo, and didn't keep it covered while it was healing, you were causing a health hazard.  That is grounds for firing.  

    Did they ask you to cover it or just saw it and fired you?  If they asked you to cover it and you refused then they had every right to fire.  If they just saw it and said, "that's it you're gone", while it is tacky and wrong, it's their store and they can do what they want.

    I suggest looking in any handbook you might have gotten and see what it states about tattoos, if there is nothing, you can try to take your case to the EEOC but I can almost promise you they will say "tattoos are not a protected category".  And there probably won't be anything they can do.

  10. Thats just plain discrimination. The Subway where I live has alot of people with tattoos. One guy has a whole sleeve done! there is nothing wrong with tattoos and you should complain to the manager.......

  11. Depends on their appearance/grooming policy. It's not discrimination, as people with tatoos are not considered a protected class, unlike the disabled. If their policy is "no visible tatoos" then you're out of luck.

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