
I got four bettas yesterday they seem to be fine and healthy two males two females i fed them flakes

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one male won't eat why and what do i do ive had lots of bettas but this has never happened is it because i put the female with him for a few seconds or because i gave him a new tank?




  1. putting the female with him for a few seconds would have caused a large amount of stress, quit doing that for a start.

    secondly, it will take a week or two for the bettas to truely settle in. some take longer than others, and some may take a day or two before they eat. try feeding some live food like bloodworm instead, rarely can they resist that.

  2. I would recommend feeding it live brine shrimp.

    My betta never eats flakes and prefers to go after his food.

  3. All fish can refuse food during the first couple of days.  You shouldn't worry too much unless the fish don't eat after 48 hours.  Hopefully, you do realize that male betta need to be kept in separate 2.5 gallon heated tanks.  Females can be kept in groups of three or more in a 10 gallon tank.  All betta fish are carnivores and do best on a diet of live food or frozen bloodworms, mysis and/or brine shrimp.  Many bettas will only eat flaked or pelletized food as an alternative to starvation.  Bettas are tropical fish and require water in the 78F - 82F range.  Unless your room temperature stays in this range throughout the year, you must use heaters.

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