
I got hit in my eye and now my eye ball is red and it hurts when i look at the light when i got hit it ..

by  |  earlier

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I got hit in my eye and now my eye ball is red and it hurts when i look at the light when i got hit it felt like my eye ball went back. At first my eye was swolin but not any more and it use to hurt when i look down or move my eye ball around. Now when i look at the light or sun or the computer screen it hurts my eye ball and my eye is very watery.I dont no what to do do i just need eye drops a doctor? or what or will this all clear up in a few days HELP!!!!!!




  1. You need to have a doctor look at it. Any time you get hit hard in the head, or the eye, you should go the the doctor right away.  Your eye could be injured, you could have a concussion.

  2. I would really go to a doctor, your eyes are something that you can't replace...and you certainly don't want to lose your eye sight!  You could have damaged your retina, lens, cornea etc or you may just have swelling that is not visible to the naked eye.  Either way, if you don't properly treat it you could be left with permanent scarring which will forever impair your vision...not good.

    So my advice- DOC ASAP

  3. put a patch over the bad eye and do see a doc they will referyou to an eye specialist most likly I shreade the surface of my eye a few years ago in a simalar way they do heal fiarly well and you can obviously still see they can give you drops for the pian and to reduce presure in the eye ball if need just becarefull with the patch on dont drive or things like that it sends your depth perception all to h**l and you may feel a bit sea sickish but do go see a quack ps if your in aust it willl most likly take a month to see the optimoligist and by that time you will be all good,

  4. i would really have a doctor look at it because you need your vision and you could have damged something

    can you help me plz

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