
I got in a fight with my bff. :( got any advice?

by  |  earlier

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i got in this huge fight with my friend.

i need help getting over her and it.

got any advice?

and don't give me any crappy answers please




  1. omg i had the same prob too awhile ago. I know this may sound like a load of bullshit but try not to dwell on this fight anymore, apologize to her (even if it wasnt your fault, be the bigger person) and sooner or later she'll come to her senses and realize that  she did something wrong (if its her fault. Most ppl are too stuborn to say their sorry first so you should just day it and im pretty sure she'll say shes sorry too. Just be like you know what im tired of fighting about this its not worth s******g our friendship over. good Luck!!

  2. You're not leaving much information for people to help, but if you got into a really big fight with her, you should talk to her at least because you'll either resolve the issue, or you'll have closure. If you don't, there will be friction & you'll be enemies and it won't resolve anything. You'll feel better if you talk to her about it, I promise. This probably didn't help much because you didn't tell the whole story.

  3. if you dont wanna be friends..then ignore her and act like she doesnt exist. that will really bug her. oh yayh that will also get her back.

  4. I had the exact same problem with my friend. You have 2 choices:

    Talk to her! Just pick up the phone and call her now. Say sorry. Fix the problems in your friendship!


    Dump her. Call her now and agree to not be friends. Just don't talk. Make new friends and get on with your life.

    My advise is try the first option, and if it really doesn't work try option 2.

    That's what I did and I'm very happy with my friend situation, and so is she.

  5. wait so you dont want to be friends with her?

    cuz you said you wanna get over her?

    well email me for help! [if you wanna!]

    sorry if i didnt help!

  6. If she is indeed your best friend you need to talk it out and then hug it out.  The sooner the better. Tell her you don't want to lose her and let her know how much she means to you.  All friends fight every so often.  Get over it....stay BFF's     Good Luck!

  7. if you need help getting over her. try hanging around people who don't really know her, that way you don't hear her name or something. If you are still wanting to be friends. then apologize to her, even if you were in the wrong. friendships, real friends are hard to replace. some are worth saving. that is your decision. but getting over people is hard. especially if you have known them for along time.

  8. The way I got over my best friend was to think off all the negative stuff she did to me!! Now I can't stand da bytch!

  9. let it cool off for a few days before you talk to her again, don't go begging at her feet saying ur sory cause that's just anoying if you don't mean it. it she tells you sory, ask her if she means it and ask urself that to. if she's a friend that needs space instead of aplolgies give her it cause that's the way i am, and most of my friends agree with me  

  10. Pour him a glass of wine....(with a little iocane powder)

  11. call her up crying hysterically. say this:

    "i'm really sorry about the fight we had! it really tore me apart inside. i think you are a great friend, and i need you in my life. i love you."

    then hang up and see if she calls back. this might turn her around.(:

  12. I love my friends so much that I would never let any fight break us part. Our friendship is too strong to let anything seperate us, so it really depends on how much you value your friendship. Is thei fight worth breaking you guys apart? Its normal for those who love each other to fight or disagree but is the fight worth never talking to your friend again? Is she/he a true friend? Even though your friend might be wrong in this particular situation you should till go back and try to make things good again if you really love that person. Be the better person.  

  13. getting over a friend i dont want is to just get a new guys can have fun and soon you will forget your old friend.and that is it.sorry if i didn't help.

  14. I"m sorry that you feel bad. Time and forgiveness is the only thing I can think of for an answer. Maybe their is somethings you like to do that will help cheer you up, a good movie a long walk, shopping for something special for yourself, even trying something new to get you're mind off you're troubles might help. Good Luck and Ill keep you in my prayers.

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