
I got in a minor car accident but i want to know who's fault it is?

by  |  earlier

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ok i as just about to leave the mall with my friends and i started to back up. the lady behind me also started to back up so we both ran into eachother at the same time.

my new car had a busted tailight and a scatched and dented bumper, but the lady's car had nothing wrong with her car because she was driving a hummer...

so whos fault is it?




  1. 50/50 liability situation, meaning you are both 50% liable for the incident.

  2. 'Both of you. Can't tell from this info if you both were backing up at the same time it is yours and her responsibility to make sure nothing is behind both equally at fault.

  3. This will be what is called a "wash" you are both at fault because either one of you were in control of your vehicle while backing up.................

  4. It seems to me hat it should be mutual! THat you should get yours fixed on your insurance and vice versa!

  5. You are both equally at fault.  Unless you want your insurance to go up, I would not turn it into my insurance company and just go and get it fixed myself.

  6. .

    Could be yours for not driving a Hummer  :-)

    However, the reality is it's known as "knock for knock" in the UK. Both drivers did not use sufficient observation.

    It might be a good idea when in a CAR park to look for other cars....


  7. you both are at fault, in indiana they call it careless backing, insurance will fix your car, but you gonna have a deductable, good luck, and watch your backside next time

  8. i had the same thing happen you are both at fault because you both did not make sure there was nothing in the road when you were backing.  I know it sucks but you have to report it to your insurance and it will go up

  9. both of you are at fault, unless you can prove that you were fully backed up and ready to drive forward when she hit you.

    i was in a situation like this, and they found the other person at fault... but i had 3 witnesses (my husband, a stranger, and an off duty police officer) and the lady drove away and is being charged with a hit and run, and she is known as the town crazy.

    so unless you're extreamly lucky like me, then it's going to be 50-50

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