
I got in trouble today...?

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I was at a summer program, and there was this kid who is totally emo and all he listens to is metallica, disturbed, Korn, System of a Down, Aiden, AFI, and Green Day. His hair is dyed jet black, wears black clothes, has piercings, tattoos, and black makeup. Yesterday, we were having a free time in class after bowling before we go home, and I was writing a letter to my gf Dani who doesn't go to the same school as me, and there's this emo Fred who is listening to heavy metal, and I told him "you are weird, all you listen to is emo music, and you must not have a girlfriend, you must be a virgin or something, and you're ugly with your black makeup, and piercings and tattoos, you should just slash your wrist and die", and he just gave me a dirty look. Then I grabbed his black i-pod nano, and threw it on the ground breaking it. Fred looked at me for one second, then he started bawling like a baby with the tears ruining his makeup and his face being red and everything. The rest of the class




  1. You are a ******* a*****e.I'm ashamed of how the people my age act,it's so immature.I also think that the whole emo style is a bit odd but I would never treat someone like that!I mean come on,grow up you idiot!My little 8 y/o brother wouldn't even act like that.just cause you were on an ego trip and needed to look cool doesn't mean you had to go and act like a total fool.I feel sorry for your gf.I hope she realizes what a d**k you really are and dumps you & I hope you get kicked out too!!

  2. WOW! Your Mean, just becaue he is expressing himself, doesn't give you the right to judge him!, I see that you are a complete jerk. How would you like it if someone said you should slit your wrist and die? And like i said before, just because he is expressing himself and what he likes, doesn't make him a bad person. What you did makes YOU look like a bad person.

  3. you are one big jerk!!

    i dont think you should have insulted him when all he was doing was liistening to his i-pod

    im glad you got into trouble

    and you should know that what you did was wrong and for that you need to suffer the consequences

  4. wow, your more of an *** than i am, that was the stupidest thing ive ever heard of, you shouldnt  have done that, hes never done anything to you that would warrant such behaviour, for all you know hes going through some really bad times. you should appologize and offer to help him pay for a new ipod, or just avoid any responsibility and get drilled at home for not doing anything to even try to make it better

  5. wow how rude.

    what did he ever do to you?

    maybe you shouldve thought before you reacted thats so dumb on your part considering he didnt do anything to you at all!

  6. You're an idiot!

    First off Heavy Metal isn't "Emo" music, there is a completely different genre known as "emo". You don't even have your stereotyping straight.

    Secondly who are you to judge him? Maybe he likes black, maybe he likes make-up... Is it your problem?

    You deserve to be kicked out, people shouldn't behave like that. If I were him I probably would have punched you in the face hard fast and repeatedly.

    Also you had no right to touch his stuff.

    I hope for your sake that this whole story was a lie for attention.

    It takes a very insecure person to treat someone like that. Maybe you should work out your problems with yourself before messing with other people.

  7. Sorry, I'm missing the part where he did something to you to provoke you breaking his 200 dollar electronic.

    Have you got a problem with people minding their own business? I don't mean to be rude but, that was very rude. That person was emo for some reason, be it a good reason or not, but it had nothing to do with you. I don't know if where you live being emo is more... rare... but where I live a lot of people are emo, and me and my friends kind of look at them, laugh, and move on. Some are our friends.

    You don't know, maybe he can't get a new iPod.

    I'm sorry you may get kicked out, but that was not a very responsible thing to have done. He did nothing to you.

  8. getting kicked out is good for you lil snotty azz!!! that boy probaly didnt do anything to you. how do you know that he doesnt think your weird and maybe he does have a girlfriend you little bytch.

    P.s.- if i was him i woulda gave you more than just a dirty looklol

  9. Wow you're such an a*****e. Who do you think you are, you're no better than him. Just because you like him doesn't mean you have to pick on him. Ugh you're so childish. GROWUP.

  10. You were mean there are going to be consequences. You should have though about that before deciding to bully someone. Did your parent ever teach you not to judge the book by the cover.

  11. your a mean jerk, grow up. and the emo guy sounds sweet, and you should buy him another black i-pod nano.

    i mean god you are 17 and that fu*king mean, grown up!!!

  12. You broke his nano, hurt his self confidence, and called him ugly. He had a reason to be sad. Accept the punishment because you deserve it.


    "you are weird, all you listen to is emo music, and you must not have a girlfriend, you must be a virgin or something, and you're ugly with your black makeup, and piercings and tattoos, you should just slash your wrist and die"

    don't tell someone to go slash their wrists and die.!

    for some peple that might just be what they need to do it.!

    i know a ton of emo people with girlfriends.!

    so don't even go there.

    who cares if he's a virgin, its his choice.

    "emo music" is stereo typing.!

    i slisten to all those bands, and i listen to country, rap, pop/techno, so don't go there either.!

    tattoos, make up, and piercings have nothing to do with his personality, just aperance, it doesn't matter.

    you sound like a real b*tch you need to stop this sh*t.

    grabbing his iPod was taking it to far, you didn't have to do anything at all to the poor kid

    EDIT:Yeah your dumb alright but not cause you put today instead of yeterday

  14. maybe u should of thought of that before you acted like a complete jerk.  what makes you better than him that you can say that and expect no consequences. You don't know whats going on in other people's lives..

  15. Your being a real jerk. First of all, he's not "emo". That's a stereotype, and what did Fred ever do to you? That's being a big bully and of course he'd be upset if you broke his iPod Nano, I know everybody else would be. You shouldn't be thinking your better than him and just because of how he looks he's not a good person. I hate people like that.

    Also, of course the rest of the class would give you dirty looks. What you did was really mean. Fred was probably a nice guy and you had to be really mean to him. It's called think before you act. Seriously, cold world much?

    EDIT: I hope your gf dumps you because man, your not worth it and not a civilized citizen at all. Seriously, wtf? Your 17.

  16. serves you right

  17. You're an idiot. You deserve that punishment and you should be doing something to fix your situation. We can't help you. Grow up.

  18. You shouldn't have insulted him. Even guys who seem tough, aren't always. Apologize to Fred and tell him sincerely.

  19. Wow,

    Are you sure your 17?

    My little 10 year old sister is more mature than you are! That is a terrible thing to do.  Poor kid.(not you him.) Do you know why he dresses that way?

    Do you know what has happened to him in his life?

    Why are you 17 and in day care?

    This is about as bad as that kid who made fun of the person in special ed and got suspended and said he did nothing wrong.

    Have you heard of the constitution of the United States of America?

    Of course your, "17."

    Well I'm pretty sure(like 100000%) that FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION IS IN THERE!  And property damage I'm sure.  You are not allowed to tell people what to do he did nothing to you, nothing to deserve to be mistreated!

    Oh and buy him a new iPod you brake it you buy it!



    This sounds like something a bully would do.

    You where way out of line and you should get suspended.  Better yet go back to Kindergarten and learn how to be nice!

    Caring and Sharing? Where you absent that day?

  20. ha god you deserve it seriously learn what your talking about before you talk ****

    and what the h**l is emo about green day

  21. So all he was doing was listening to music and you went Ape S**t on him? Congradualtions you are a First Class Jack A$$.

    Now dont you feel proud?

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