
I got into a bar fight and left before the cops came.....?

by  |  earlier

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The police got my number but do not know my new address...they called and want to hear my side of the story...I did get into a fight but the other guy turned it violent my throwing a punch. My question is...if they come over and they think my side the the story is not he going to take me to jail? Would it be best to call an attorny prior to talking to the cops? Its Saturday night and if they put me in jail I will have to sit till Monday morning as well..... any advice????




  1. I have been a criminal defense attorney for 16 years.

    DO NOT talk to the cops.  They say they want to get your side of the story but what they want to do is ask, and ask, and ask more questions until you finally say something incriminating.  If they already had a great case against you, they wouldn't be wanting to speak to you.  They want you to make their case for them.  

    You have no percentage in talking to them.  You can't make your situation better.  You can only make it worse.  Be very polite to them.  But tell them you have been in touch with an attorney and have been advised not to speak to them unless your attorney is present.

    They might then threaten that they will take you to  jail.  Let them take you to jail.  That doesn't hurt your case.  They have to charge you with something within a certain number of hours of taking you into custody.  The number of hours varies between states.

    Keep repeating that you will not talk to them.  Say it in front of witnesses.  Good luck.

  2. Don't say anything to the cops. They're gonna try to twist your story around to make it look like you were the aggressor.

  3. Depends...but I can guarantee that if you don't contact the PD (with or without your attorney) a warrant will be issued for your arrest.

    This is a misdemeanor (disorderly, perhaps muni assault), and an attorney is likely going to cost you several times the cost of the fine, should you be found guilty.

    Regarding arrest, court and bond, this will differ by state. Here in CO, I have a choice every time I "arrest" someone for anything other than a felony or DV. I can either take them to jail, in which they have to bond out, or sit inside until their court date. Or I can release them on a summons-meaning they get a ticket with a court date on.

    If you arranged to come in to tell me your side of the story and there was still PC to arrest you, I would most likely release you on a summons. If I have to hunt you then you will be going to jail...

    The above is good for Colorado, may be different where you are from.

    BTW-Doesn't matter if I don't have your most recent address-I'll get it, or maybe just arrest you at your work address.

    EDIT-Don't believe eveything the "lawyer" is trying to tell you. Of course she doesn't want you to take care of this yourself..she wants you to pay for her next Lexus.

    This case is simple-if you don't make a statement, then all the cop has to go on is the other guys story...this will result in you being arrested together with the cost and pain in a$$ factor that goes with it. However, if you do speak to the cop, explain your side of the story you may well convince him that you were the victim in this...

    Either way, good luck.

  4. Oh, there coming for you man. They have your phone number, they can get your address in 5 minutes no problem. You had better start hiding, no doubt they are coming to your house.

  5. If your story is absolutely truthful and you did not start the fight but merely defended yourself.....and if you didn't beat up the other guy severely, then go to the police and explain what occurred.  Do you have a witness?  Important.  In all probability if nothing was smashed and the other guy is OK then you should clear up this mess asap.  No need for a lawyer at this time if you didn't start the fight.

  6. go somewhere else until you find out if they come to your house

    did you hurt they guy

    if they do go to your house call them and ask what they want to talk to you about

    and that youll turn yourself in after you consult an attorney

    if its really serious

    but really i wouldnt go without one

  7. Get a lawyer and then go to the cops.

    Was this a bar you go to alot? Will anybody back you up? Does the other guy have more friends at the bar than you?

    Was he hurt? Did you knock him out? Or just rough him up? Would he press charges?

    Did you know the guy?

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