
I got into a fight at school?

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Well firstly, my school starts really early (Aug. 4 to be exact), and today I had school though its saturday. (my skool has a program where you go on saturdays if you have work that you didn't turn in. LOTS of people are always there)

Anyway, we had P.E. today and my three friends were play fighting in the locker room. One of my friends had playfully pinned me down, and I got up and 'choked' her and things of that type..but we were playing.

and then this random girl came from behind me and popped me on the back of my head. i mean, you could hear the thump. i only saw the girl once in the hall before and we never said a word to each other. she was obviously playing, though, but i hate the fact that a random girl just hit me, whether she was playing or not. so i steered her into one of the restroom stall doors and slammed her head into it. she punched me in the nose, and then i punched her twice in return, grabbed her by her hair, and slammed her onto the floor. i pinned her down and basically swore at her and screamed at the top of my lungs until a teacher came and broke it up by picking me up and holding my nipples hardly (not purposely). girls, you all know how painful that can be, so i swung all around me and ended up hitting the gym teacher in the face until she got one of my friends to calm me down...

i ended up getting suspended for 10 days..mainly because i hit the gym teacher..

do you all think i was wrong for this? was i wrong for beatin the random girl who "playfully" hit me?

i just am bothered by the fact that she just came up to me and popped me upside my freakin head when i never ever talked to would you of handled this situation?!

ps- we're freshman in high school- 14 years old.




  1. i like you, you got guts to mess up a random girl. hahaha.

    and it's stupid for her hitting you, specailly since you guys were palying around, and since it was basically a free shot.

    and i what i would've done is go up to her the day i see her&asked if something was wrong with her... if she hits you then hit her back... if you get introuble, just say that you were just trying to figure out the reason she hit you, and she started it.=) hah.

  2. You totally over reacted. Do you honestly think that it was the right thing to do? I can understand why you may have been a little upset but to do what you did is insane. Do you think that you can go around just slapping people to the ground? Wow. You really acted like an idiot. You got what you deserved.

  3. wow thas crazy

  4. You sound more like a 6th grader to me.

    One piece of advice? GROW UP.

    If the girl popped you in the head and you didn't know her, ignore it! she obviously wasn't doing it out of anger (as you mentioned) and the fact that you hit the gym teacher proves that moronic fighting gets you nowhere.

    So yes, you were wrong.

    How would I of handled? well if the girl hit me in my head I would have asked her who the h**l she is and why the h**l she is hitting me.

    Who knows, you guys could have become friends that day since she obviously wanted to play along and you wouldn't be suspended right now.

    Think before you act.It's always best.

  5. U GO GIRL!!

  6. You have anger issues. I suggest a therapist.

  7. You shouldn't have gone that far to hit a girl who wanted to be part of the "fun". So yes, you were very out of line for playfully fighting with your friends, and attacking some girl and your gym teacher. It's your own fault. Own up to it. Apologize to that girl you attacked, as well as your gym teacher. You don't want to look like the big bully in school for the rest of your high school years. Also, this will look bad on your transcript. Getting suspended or having some sort of school punishment, will make an impact on your future effects.

    Hope you learned your lesson.

  8. **** THE GUY THAT SAID YOU HAVE ANGER ISSUES...if she dont knoe you and she hit you she shouldve expectingg to get molly whoped  it wasnt wrong for you to hit her  

  9. Oh wow. You should have handled it calmly. Like "I know you were just playing, but I really don't know you that well so if you not do that anymore, I'd really appreciate it." No need for physical fighting.

  10. Was it really necessary to go as far as you did?  It seems like this got out of hand very quickly.  All caused by 'play fighting' that shouldn't have been happening in the first place.  You sound like you have some issues with violence.  No she shouldn't have hit you but your reaction was extreme.  You need help here otherwise you won't get on well as you grow up.  We can't all go around behaving like this when we don't like something.  Most people try to deal with things calmly and Verbally first!

  11. I hate to tell you this, but the deal is, before you decided to make her into wallpaper, you should have told her to back off. It makes no difference how you told her, but tearing a chunk out of her, even when you realized she was playing, made you the bad guy. And going into a teacher was just plain dumb. Did it ever occur to you guys the way you looked to this girl? She might have been trying to find a way to fit in with some people, and although she went about it wrong, she still should have been given a heads up about your play-acting, and also told that she hurt you and that you didn't appreciate it. The best that would have happened is that it would have been resolved, and you possibly may have made a new friend~ the worst was that she would have been sent on her merry way with a new fact or two to keep in mind for the next encounter.  You are going to have to start dealing with your temper because some day, someone is going to make you the wallpaper, and they won't take any pity either. Peace and love, baby, peace and love.

  12. i would've done the same thing. i dont play with head shots

  13. yup and this is why i hate freshman


    you could've handled that totally differently. yes you are wrong for fighting her like that.

    like you said she playfully hit you. maybe that was her way of trying to get your attention cuz she wants to be friends

    honestly all you had to do was ask why she did that. if you did that you wouldnt be suspended right now

    i suggest growing up. fighting does solve anything.  

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