
I got into a fight at school today?

by Guest64595  |  earlier

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yeah, i know, i posted a question w/ the exact same subject yesterday. but it happened again. the school decided to not start my suspension until next monday (huge fight i got into) but instead, i'm being suspended for 60 days, cause i broke a girls jaw, gave her 2 black eyes, and she got a minor head injury for what i thought was a good reason. but anyway, today i was walking to study hall towards the end of the day and i saw the girl's who i beat up friends. the girl i fought is in the hospital. anywayyy, i walked to study hall and saw the girls. when they saw me, they just said 'b*tch' and continued walking the hall. after study hall, i was to go home. i walked out the school by myself, when i saw one of the girls snuck up behind me, jumped onto my back and tackled me onto the grass. the 3 other girls came and got ontop of me and started punching me in the face wildly. everyone started gathering around us in a circle (typical high school) and the teachers couldnt get through. and my friends couldnt see what was happening, otherwise they would help me. i tried to fight them off by punching random ones of them in the face as hard as i possibly could. i got a couple of them away from me, and i got one of them in a headlock and punched her in the face while all the other girls kicked me and punched me in the back of the head. they even pulled my hair super hard & they finally were able to pull me away. i picked up the nearest weapon which was a loose piece of wood from the school garden, and i started hitting them all in the stomach (i didnt hit them in the head. i mean, i wasnt trying to kill them). they were still able to fight back and tackled me to the grass once more. some random boys in the crowd pulled 3 of the girls away and i was fighting the only one left one on one. i punched her in the face pretty much, kicked her in the stomach, you know. she ended up running off and told the school that i attacked her. i mean, come on. are you serious? i got kicked out of school for the rest of the week and i have to come meet with the superintendent and principal on friday and they're going to make a decision on what to do with me. they don't know whose story to believe, me or the other girl's. i'm just urging to fight each of the girls one on one to get my revenge. if you need more info, read my other question about this to know the situation. i don't want to get into anymore trouble than i'm already in..what should i do about the situation? (not legally, i mean how should i PERSONALLY handle the girls?) oh and please. if you're gonna tell me not to fight, tell me something i SHOULD do. not just 'walk away from the situation'. please.

oh, and im a sophmore in HS, the girls are juniors.




  1. Jesus, how many days of school has it been?  Like one?

  2. if ya "broke a girls jaw, gave her 2 black eyes" you didnt just win a fight you gave that chick a real beating. i think maybe u should cool it 4 awhile. that kinda thing could land u in jail. Gonna take that or you getting a real beating yerself for you to stop?

  3. holy **** there was a fight at my school today to!!!  

  4. i like girls like you, maybe we should go, anyways there is not much you can do but but continue fighting them because those girls are not going to listen to you. you could transfer schools but that would be like walking away from the situation  

  5. ah, did you win??//  record the next one and put it on Utube!!

  6. Christly God.

    I think I'm going to homeschool my girls.

    My mother would have killed me if I had gotten into fights like that.  That's not how ladies behave.

  7. God, don't do it again and I hope that you learned your lesson.

  8. I read the first two sentences am not gonna lie and if you broke her jaw and all that then you deserve to be suspended.

  9. 1. Stop fighting! You put a girl in the hospital- I wonder what the girls father would do to you.

    2. Get a life.

    3. Stop being such a fighter and always having to win. Let love in, give love out man. Peace.

  10. dont talk to those loonies ever again. and why are you getting in such graphic fights? that is not how good ladies behave. yo' *** deserves to be suspended, you're lucky they didnt kick you out of school

  11. Wow I am glad I don't know you, you deserve to be suspended and you haven't walked away from the situation you beat her to ****. If you did all that already why the **** do want to beat the **** out of her again. You're lucky you didn't get expelled.

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