
I got into a fight today, got knocked out, then got up, fought him again without knowing. I won, how is this?

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I remember the very beggining of the fight, the i blacked out, while i was out my friends said i got back up and wanted to fight again. We fought again, and i ended up winning, it looked like i was myself but i cannot remember fighting him at all the second time, how is this possible, what happened?




  1. Post your videos on my new fight site at

    The first rule of fight club is that we don't talk about fight club

  2. Your a Ninja abduct.  A Ninja took control and kicked @ss for you.  You should consider yourself lucky.

  3. Same thing happened to Jack Dempsey, I can't remember the opponent.

    Similarly to Mike Tyson, who couldn't understand what happened against Douglas, and had to be told he lost.  Against Evander Holyfield, Tyson was knocked out, but thought for sure he won.  Tyson doesn't remember anything after round 2 against Holyfield, yet he continued on for another 9 rounds running on automatic.

    The medical field is lightyears away from understanding how the brain works, and trauma to the brain can work in strange ways.

    I have a theory on that, I believe the brain can shut off its memory in times to great stress to prevent permanent pyschological trauma, while keeping the ability to continue struggling through a bad situation.  I've talked to women about childbirth, and they claim that their brain intentionally forgets the amount of pain during the birth process so they can have more than one child.  Having more than one child is essential to the survival of any species.  So imagine you're some caveman trying to score dinner when a sabretooth nearly kills you by jumping out from behind a hedge.  You're brain tries to forget what happened so you won't be scared to death the next time you see a hedge.  When I was 6 I was mauled by a dog, I remember everything up to the point of the attack, and then I have no recollection until I'm on the surgeon's table.

    It's my opinion that your brain has some survival mechanism, it protected you from any recollection of the attack, while allowing you to continue on in an otherwise normal fashion for those circumstances.  In this case, if you'd have gotten destroyed, you'd never know it, thus suffering no ill affects for future situations.  But otherwise you were at 100% capacity, as you obviously turned things around in your favor.  EMT's are trained to look for changes in behavior as an indicator of head trauma.  Sometimes perfectly nice people are involved in an auto accident, suffer head trauma, and when the EMTs arrive, they start threating the EMTs and cussing like sailors.  I think perhaps that's a defense mechanism for us humans to try to protect ourselves when the big sabertooth comes to devour us.  We get hurt, the brain switches off in case the body survives, then the human fights like h**l or runs like h**l,  Once the person is safe, things start switching back on and the person starts to wonder "what the heck just happened?"

    I have a question for you...when does your memory turn back on?  You black out, win, and then what's the next thing?  I'm curious as to when the brain switched itself back on.


    If you can forgive my morbid much time did you lose?  And from what your friends tell you, what kind of trauma did you first receive, and what kind did you receive after you continued fighting?  Rabbit punched?  Hit in the temple?  The jaw?  How hard?  Were you concussed?  Were you initially knocked out or just dropped?  I don't think you'll recover your lost memory, but I have heard it's possible.  I'm guessing you wish you could have the memory of whipping the other guy.

  4. You should go get checked out, you may have had a concussion. We had this happen to a few guys at our gym. The brain experiences some trauma and sometimes reacts kind of like amnesia, where some memory is lossed. This also happens to people in car accidents where they don't remember the accident.

  5. you might have been in shock,it's the only way i can think of.

  6. thats called a black out.. u black out n u dont remeber anything..

    this happens 2 some people when u push there limits..

    at time u might even start cryin because u dont know wat happend.. i know sum1 like that man..

    so.. yea.. that just a black out.. kinna like incredible hurk u know.. only u dont turn green LOL

  7. a shock maybe, ive seen a tv show about a girl whos one leg got bitten off by a shark and she didnt even know it was gone til she got back to shore and she got back to shore by herself too wihtout any help, she didnt feel any pain at all, and when she noticed that her leg was not there her only reaction was like hmm...ok, i think its same as in sleep walking, your body is on autopilot or something, its still you ofcourse coz its your own brain but its running by itself

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