
I got into a fight with my mom....?

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I got into a fight with my mom, it was a big deal, theres things that have gone wrong forever, and i just want her to fix them but she keeps saying yah it will happen and it never does. I feel like more of the mom then she does. Well the other day i had had it. I told her she was a *****, because at the time she was being a *****, and i told her i wasnt dealing with her **** anymore. Well sadly i dont seem to care. I dont have any feelings for this at all. like im just emotionless. well now its like considering a moving out option, (turning 16 soon), and well yah. i dont want to move out, but its something that has seemed to be the thing to do. i need a way to like make up with my mom but get the message through to her that thers things she needs to change.

reasons ''just talking'' hasnt worked for me;

were both b*****s

she thinks she always right

we dont talk we fight and yell and *****

she doesnt seem to really care about anything




  1. maybe you and your mom should sit down with a third party.. a counselor or therapist or just a family friend that wont take sides.. it usually helps to have a neutral party to calm you both down.. when i fight with people i feel like i don't tend to yell as much if there is someone else there.. (because the other person usually yells and makes themselves look stupid... lol)

    hope this helps

  2. You should be nicer to your mom. You will understand one day when you become a mom. Its hard being a parent. Even more so when you have a ungreatful child. You should walk around in your moms shoes for just a week. Go to work, cook meals, clean, pay bills, give your kids money and all of this with your kid standing around yelling at you.

    Remeber your mom is the women that use to tuck you in at night, read to you. Get over yourself and show your mom some respect. I hope you do this because like I said one day you will be a mom and you will see how hard it is.

  3. I have the exact same problem with my entire family. What did I do? Next week I'm moving to a boarding school in a different country. It worked for me.

  4. My mom and I didn't get me in high school.  She did not care.  How do I know this?  She never said she loved me, or said good bye when I left for school, she was asleep when I left for school.   We are not on the same page and never will be.   She thinks she is right about everything.  She pulls manipulative c**p on me all the time.   We will never have the close relationship that some girls do with their mom's.  Try to stay positive and find good girl friends.  

  5. When we try to talk to someone we love our emotions usually run out of control. You can't change your moms attitude but you can change yours. Be the better person. Be respectful of her position and watch your language. When you start off a conversation with name calling you put the other person on the defensive right away and they are less willing to listen to what you have to say. Get a third party involved (family member, counsler) to mediate. Reevaluate your issues with her and if they are not endangoring you in any way let it go.

    Things to remember if you decide to move out: You have to get a job to support yourself, buy your own food and clothes, and provide yourself with tranportstion. You have no college education and unless you get really really lucky you will be flipping burgers or bagging food.  You can not depend on anyone but yourself.

    If your health or well being isn't at risk finish school and get some sort of on campus living in college. You get to put some space between you and your mom and you also get to ensure your future.

    Good luck

  6. i have lots of fight with my mom too..but i ignore her and she get way more pissed off than i do..just pretend your mom doest exist

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