
I got into a small accident with my 2008 maxima?

by  |  earlier

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well me and this other guy were backing out of spots and because we were going different directions we weere looking at different spots and missed each other..... the other guy was driving without a license but i dont know if that does anything it was a S****y 1999 red accord coupe but what i was wondering was that if i should just...replace the bumper because thats all that was damage or should i contact the insurance company and go through all that trouble? i think it was both our faults so im not sure what the insurance companies will do and i also dont want m insurance points going up. also does anyone know how much it owuld cost to replace my bumper? waht might cause some trouble is that i have sensors on my bumpe so would that cost more money? THanks i reallyappreciate all the help.




  1. Get an estimate and decide if you want to pay or have your insurance pay.  I personally, see no logic to having insurance if you won't/don't use it.  To Heck with  "IF"  rates may go up.  They only go up a little and for only a year or two anyway.  If the repairs cost $700.00 and the insurance rates go up a total of $100.00- $200.00 , which option makes more sense ?

  2. liability would probably be 50/50 here. you would be both found equally at fault. depending on what state you live in would determine the payout. each state has a 'liability jurisdiction'. the other posters are correct, go to a body shop and get an estimate and go from there.

  3. depends on the cost to fix.  get some estimates.  if it is less than your deductible, there is no reason to file the claim as you would end up paying it anyway.  if its higher than you have to decide if its worth filing.  once you file ..yes your rates will go up for the next 3 yrs. (its an accident and your company will be paying a claim)  so you have to figure if you will be paying less in the raised premiums or by fixing it yourself.  my guess would be that its less to pay out of pocket.

  4. Get an estimate...they are free..then you can decide if it is worth it. You know..we pay for insurance to cover us..if they raise your rates for a repair it is time to find a new company. if you are irresponsible and reckless sure..raise the rates and charge more. The average person is not like that. There are other companies that will take your business if your company raises your rates.

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