
I got into district for cross country at school today. how can i prepare for district cross country?

by Guest64361  |  earlier

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I got into district for cross country at school today. how can i prepare for district cross country?




  1. baicisly training

    and thats like

    getting fitter in general

    and endurance training

    eat well

    lots of complex carbs

    which is like wholegrain things

    weet bix (mmm)

    cereals pastas

    things with a low gi

    then go for jogs and runs

    increase the duration and intencity

    which means every time you go

    run harder and faster and for longer

    but not my too much

    your youll hurt yourself

    and if you do hurt yourself its like getting back to square 1

    make sure you drink lots of water after you run and before but not too close to before you run

    or youll get stitches...

    and wear deoderent  : ]

  2. run a few km everyday

  3. Well i guess if you know the track that you will be running, run around there, that should help you to get a feel of what's to come.

    Just run around alow and practise practise PRACTISE!

  4. First things first, know your competition.  Research who you will be running against and compare that to your average times.  Then once you do that research, and find out if you can run on the track that you will be running on for districts, that is if its not 100 miles away like mine was.  Also like some of the people said practice do interval trainining and try to get a pace, that will beat your best competiter! watch what you eat as well ice your legs the night before and if you believe in it, try imagery, it works trust me!!

  5. Practise heaps and heaps :)

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