
I got just got braces and...?

by  |  earlier

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they look disgusting.

Like...they dont even look a little bit good.

I cant smile, or laugh, they kill...I've been crying all day.

I dont even wanna leave my house...

I will not be having a love life for the next 2 years...

Its gross gross gross.




  1. DON'T PANIC!!!  Of course braces are going to look disgusting to you, but don't sweat it.  Braces look pretty much the same on everyone.  You won't be the only one in school with braces, and nowadays most people hardly even notice them.  Yes, they hurt like all get-out when you first get them, but that will pass after a few days.  Later on, when they adjust your braces, they won't hurt nearly as bad and the pain will usually go away within 24 hours.  I understand how you feel because I had braces too (and I didn't like them at all), but I didn't get razzed about it by my classmates and I sure liked how my teeth looked when the braces came off.  Didn't stop me from having a girlfriend or two along the way either...

  2. I'm sure that the pain will ease off in the next few days.

    Over time, you'll adapt to having them in your mouth, you'll be smiling and laughing as usual!

    As for the love life, I know people who've had braces, and had girlfriends & boyfriends during their treatment.

    You'll be fine :)

  3. and wheres the question? lol

  4. Haha, you sound EXACTLY like me.

    I cried the whole time that they put the braces on

    All day. All night. I hated them.

    I got my braces on 1 year and 1 month ago.

    Time flies. And im not just saying that either.

    The first month or two are the worst because

    you're still getting used to them and everything.

    After a month or two, NO ONE notices them.

    Once again, im not just saying this.

    Because when people told me that before i got my braces, i didnt

    believe them at all.

    But it is true.

    Looking back on old photos now, i can see how much my teeth have

    improved and it's worth it :)

    Take some panadol for the pain.

    Dont worry about smiling or laughing.

    For the first month i covered my mouth every time i smiled or

    laughed. No one cares. Dont be embaressed. You cant hide the fact that you have braces for 2 years.

    Think of everyone you know who has had braces. Its an every day thing now.

    You will have a love life ok! :)

    I thought the exact same thing, but apparently guys don't seem to care about braces.

    I know how you feel, and trust me it gets so much better. You will have perfect teeth at the end of it :) I hated when people told me that at the beginnning coz it feels like its so far away, but time really does fly :)

    Hope that helps

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