
I got kicked out of of school for something bad so i am home alone.?

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what should i do??




  1. Learn from it and don't let it happen again.

  2. Well I think it depends on what you got in trouble for.Maybe you need to work your brain a little more so you are not looking for other things to occupy your self with.

  3. Reflect on what a demon child you are.

  4. I am assuming that you have been removed from public school for probably the rest of the school year under some sort of zero tolerance policy.

    Depending on what state you live in, someone, either family member or volunteer could teach you outside the traditional school setting.

    In Illinois, if you are 16 or above, you may qualify under the literacy coalition to receive materials through the GED program (check with your community ccollege)

    If you are 16 or above you may qualify to be a student at your community ollege.

    If your state is open to homeschooling, maybe your superintendent of schools could direct you to a family that volunteers their time to helping individuals in a situation such as yours.

    In our area, my husband and I home school kids that have dropped out of, or been kicked out of school, through our local literacy coalition.

  5. ahhaa

  6. Help your parents by cleaning house and having everything nice for them when they get home from work.

    Go online and do video lectures that are free from many of the colleges.   I'll give you few links below.

    Learn.  Don't waste your time.  

    An education is more important than a diploma.  

    A diploma is important but without an education, it is of little value.

  7. I would be sucking up to my parents. Clean house!

  8. Read a book.  That'll show em.

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