
I got mad trying to put the crib together and now a part is broken?

by  |  earlier

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I got a problem. I thought I try to get the baby crib together. I got really frustrated. I got this crib for 45 dollars at a yard sale. They don't have instruction to it. I only have one part to get on it. And it wasn;t doing want I wanted it to so I got mad which I shouldn't have done. I broke one part on each side. I could super glue when I get to the store. I try to look to see who made the crib with the address of course nothing. But it sound like came from some kind church but still a company would have address on there. But no. I found the one part came off but can't find the other. What should I do. Cribs are expensive I know I would have month to save up. Does anyone have any idea's Thanks..




  1. ask sum ppl in ur family to help you make one or buy one

  2. well idk if buying one at a yardsale is a good idea. do you have a freind or sibling who has a used one you can borrow till you get a new one?

  3. get a couple friends over there that way you guys could all figure it out together and hang out at the same time

  4. I think you should look for another crib.

  5. try to borrow one

  6. I think you need to control your anger, and try to fix the crib part. If that dosent work, buy a new part for the crib if you can find it.

    If not, buy another crib.

  7. either call the company or try checking on a website cause some would have instructions or email them to you. or sell you the part that is broken

  8. If the part is made of wood, take it to a woodworker and see if they can make a replacement.  If it is metal, take it to a machine shop and see if they can make a replacement.  If that doesn't work, try and find another used crib at another yard sale or thrift store, and try to get it already assembled this time or get some help.

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